ext-respondd.py 15 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. # Code-Base: https://github.com/ffggrz/ffnord-alfred-announce
  3. # + https://github.com/freifunk-mwu/ffnord-alfred-announce
  4. # + https://github.com/FreifunkBremen/respondd
  5. import sys
  6. import socket
  7. import select
  8. import struct
  9. import subprocess
  10. import argparse
  11. import re
  12. # Force encoding to UTF-8
  13. import locale # Ensures that subsequent open()s
  14. locale.getpreferredencoding = lambda _=None: 'UTF-8' # are UTF-8 encoded.
  15. import json
  16. import zlib
  17. import netifaces as netif
  18. def toUTF8(line):
  19. return line.decode("utf-8")
  20. def call(cmdnargs):
  21. output = subprocess.check_output(cmdnargs)
  22. lines = output.splitlines()
  23. lines = [toUTF8(line) for line in lines]
  24. return lines
  25. def merge(a, b):
  26. if isinstance(a, dict) and isinstance(b, dict):
  27. d = dict(a)
  28. d.update({k: merge(a.get(k, None), b[k]) for k in b})
  29. return d
  30. if isinstance(a, list) and isinstance(b, list):
  31. return [merge(x, y) for x, y in itertools.izip_longest(a, b)]
  32. return a if b is None else b
  33. def getGateway():
  34. #/sys/kernel/debug/batman_adv/bat0/gateways
  35. output = subprocess.check_output(["batctl", "-m", config['batman'], "gwl", "-n"])
  36. output_utf8 = output.decode("utf-8")
  37. lines = output_utf8.splitlines()
  38. j = None
  39. for line in lines:
  40. gw_line = re.match(r"^(\*|=>) +([0-9a-f:]+) \([\d ]+\) ([0-9a-f:]+)", line)
  41. if gw_line:
  42. j = {}
  43. j["gateway"] = gw_line.group(2)
  44. j["gateway_nexthop"] = gw_line.group(3)
  45. return j
  46. def getClients():
  47. #/sys/kernel/debug/batman_adv/bat0/transtable_local
  48. output = subprocess.check_output(["batctl", "-m", config['batman'], "tl", "-n"])
  49. output_utf8 = output.decode("utf-8")
  50. lines = output_utf8.splitlines()
  51. batadv_mac = getDevice_MAC(config['batman'])
  52. j = {"total": 0, "wifi": 0}
  53. for line in lines:
  54. # batman-adv -> translation-table.c -> batadv_tt_local_seq_print_text
  61. # . = unset
  62. # * c0:11:73:b2:8f:dd -1 [.P..W.] 1.710 (0xe680a836)
  63. ml = re.match(r"^\s\*\s([0-9a-f:]+)\s+-\d\s\[([RPNXWI\.]+)\]", line, re.I)
  64. if ml:
  65. if not batadv_mac == ml.group(1): # Filter bat0
  66. if not ml.group(1).startswith('33:33:') and not ml.group(1).startswith('01:00:5e:'): # Filter Multicast
  67. j["total"] += 1
  68. if ml.group(2)[4] == 'W':
  69. j["wifi"] += 1
  70. return j
  71. def getDevice_Addresses(dev):
  72. l = []
  73. try:
  74. for ip6 in netif.ifaddresses(dev)[netif.AF_INET6]:
  75. raw6 = ip6['addr'].split('%')
  76. l.append(raw6[0])
  77. for ip in netif.ifaddresses(dev)[netif.AF_INET]:
  78. raw = ip['addr'].split('%')
  79. l.append(raw[0])
  80. except:
  81. pass
  82. return l
  83. def getDevice_MAC(dev):
  84. try:
  85. interface = netif.ifaddresses(dev)
  86. mac = interface[netif.AF_LINK]
  87. return mac[0]['addr']
  88. except:
  89. return None
  90. def getMesh_Interfaces():
  91. j = {}
  92. output = subprocess.check_output(["batctl", "-m", config['batman'], "if"])
  93. output_utf8 = output.decode("utf-8")
  94. lines = output_utf8.splitlines()
  95. for line in lines:
  96. dev_re = re.match(r"^([^:]*)", line)
  97. dev = dev_re.group(1)
  98. j[dev] = getDevice_MAC(dev)
  99. return j
  100. def getBat0_Interfaces():
  101. j = {}
  102. output = subprocess.check_output(["batctl", "-m", config['batman'], "if"])
  103. output_utf8 = output.decode("utf-8")
  104. lines = output_utf8.splitlines()
  105. for line in lines:
  106. dev_line = re.match(r"^([^:]*)", line)
  107. nif = dev_line.group(0)
  108. if_group = ""
  109. if "fastd" in config and nif == config["fastd"]: # keep for compatibility
  110. if_group = "tunnel"
  111. elif nif.find("l2tp") != -1:
  112. if_group = "l2tp"
  113. elif "mesh-vpn" in config and nif in config["mesh-vpn"]:
  114. if_group = "tunnel"
  115. elif "mesh-wlan" in config and nif in config["mesh-wlan"]:
  116. if_group = "wireless"
  117. else:
  118. if_group = "other"
  119. if not if_group in j:
  120. j[if_group] = []
  121. j[if_group].append(getDevice_MAC(nif))
  122. return j
  123. def getTraffic():
  124. return (lambda fields: dict(
  125. (key, dict(
  126. (type_, int(value_))
  127. for key_, type_, value_ in fields
  128. if key_ == key))
  129. for key in ['rx', 'tx', 'forward', 'mgmt_rx', 'mgmt_tx']
  130. ))(list(
  131. (
  132. key.replace('_bytes', '').replace('_dropped', ''),
  133. 'bytes' if key.endswith('_bytes') else 'dropped' if key.endswith('_dropped') else 'packets',
  134. value
  135. )
  136. for key, value in map(lambda s: list(map(str.strip, s.split(': ', 1))), call(['ethtool', '-S', config['batman']])[1:])
  137. ))
  138. def getMemory():
  139. return dict(
  140. (key.replace('Mem', '').lower(), int(value.split(' ')[0]))
  141. for key, value in map(lambda s: map(str.strip, s.split(': ', 1)), open('/proc/meminfo').readlines())
  142. if key in ('MemTotal', 'MemFree', 'Buffers', 'Cached')
  143. )
  144. def getFastd():
  145. fastd_data = b""
  146. try:
  147. sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  148. sock.connect(config["fastd_socket"])
  149. except socket.error as err:
  150. print("socket error: ", sys.stderr, err)
  151. return None
  152. while True:
  153. data = sock.recv(1024)
  154. if not data:
  155. break
  156. fastd_data += data
  157. sock.close()
  158. return json.loads(fastd_data.decode("utf-8"))
  159. def getMeshVPNPeers():
  160. j = {}
  161. if "fastd_socket" in config:
  162. fastd = getFastd()
  163. for peer in fastd["peers"].values():
  164. if peer["connection"]:
  165. j[peer["name"]] = {
  166. "established": peer["connection"]["established"]
  167. }
  168. else:
  169. j[peer["name"]] = None
  170. return j
  171. else:
  172. return None
  173. def getNode_ID():
  174. if 'node_id' in aliases["nodeinfo"]:
  175. return aliases["nodeinfo"]["node_id"]
  176. else:
  177. return getDevice_MAC(config["batman"]).replace(':', '')
  178. def getStationDump(dev_list):
  179. j = {}
  180. for dev in dev_list:
  181. try:
  182. # iw dev ibss3 station dump
  183. output = subprocess.check_output(["iw", "dev", dev, "station", "dump"])
  184. output_utf8 = output.decode("utf-8")
  185. lines = output_utf8.splitlines()
  186. mac = ""
  187. for line in lines:
  188. # Station 32:b8:c3:86:3e:e8 (on ibss3)
  189. ml = re.match(r"^Station ([0-9a-f:]+) \(on ([\w\d]+)\)", line, re.I)
  190. if ml:
  191. mac = ml.group(1)
  192. j[mac] = {}
  193. else:
  194. ml = re.match(r"^[\t ]+([^:]+):[\t ]+([^ ]+)", line, re.I)
  195. if ml:
  196. j[mac][ml.group(1)] = ml.group(2)
  197. except:
  198. pass
  199. return j
  200. def getNeighbours():
  201. # https://github.com/freifunk-gluon/packages/blob/master/net/respondd/src/respondd.c
  202. j = {"batadv": {}}
  203. stationDump = None
  204. if 'mesh-wlan' in config:
  205. j["wifi"] = {}
  206. stationDump = getStationDump(config["mesh-wlan"])
  207. mesh_ifs = getMesh_Interfaces()
  208. output = subprocess.check_output(["batctl", "-m", config['batman'], "o", "-n"])
  209. output_utf8 = output.decode("utf-8")
  210. lines = output_utf8.splitlines()
  211. for line in lines:
  212. # * e2:ad:db:b7:66:63 2.712s (175) be:b7:25:4f:8f:96 [mesh-vpn-l2tp-1]
  213. ml = re.match(r"^[ \*\t]*([0-9a-f:]+)[ ]*([\d\.]*)s[ ]*\(([ ]*\d*)\)[ ]*([0-9a-f:]+)[ ]*\[[ ]*(.*)\]", line, re.I)
  214. if ml:
  215. dev = ml.group(5)
  216. mac_origin = ml.group(1)
  217. mac_nhop = ml.group(4)
  218. tq = ml.group(3)
  219. lastseen = ml.group(2)
  220. if mac_origin == mac_nhop:
  221. if 'mesh-wlan' in config and dev in config["mesh-wlan"] and not stationDump is None:
  222. if not mesh_ifs[dev] in j["wifi"]:
  223. j["wifi"][mesh_ifs[dev]] = {}
  224. j["wifi"][mesh_ifs[dev]]["neighbours"] = {}
  225. if mac_origin in stationDump:
  226. j["wifi"][mesh_ifs[dev]]["neighbours"][mac_origin] = {
  227. "signal": stationDump[mac_origin]["signal"],
  228. "noise": 0, # TODO: fehlt noch
  229. "inactive": stationDump[mac_origin]["inactive time"]
  230. }
  231. if dev in mesh_ifs:
  232. if not mesh_ifs[dev] in j["batadv"]:
  233. j["batadv"][mesh_ifs[dev]] = {}
  234. j["batadv"][mesh_ifs[dev]]["neighbours"] = {}
  235. j["batadv"][mesh_ifs[dev]]["neighbours"][mac_origin] = {
  236. "tq": int(tq),
  237. "lastseen": float(lastseen)
  238. }
  239. return j
  240. def getCPUInfo():
  241. j = {}
  242. with open("/proc/cpuinfo", 'r') as fh:
  243. for line in fh:
  244. ml = re.match(r"^(.+?)[\t ]+:[\t ]+(.*)$", line, re.I)
  245. if ml:
  246. j[ml.group(1)] = ml.group(2)
  247. return j
  248. # ======================== Output =========================
  249. # =========================================================
  250. def createNodeinfo():
  251. j = {
  252. "node_id": getNode_ID(),
  253. "hostname": socket.gethostname(),
  254. "network": {
  255. "addresses": getDevice_Addresses(config['bridge']),
  256. "mesh": {
  257. "bat0": {
  258. "interfaces": getBat0_Interfaces()
  259. }
  260. },
  261. "mac": getDevice_MAC(config["batman"]),
  262. "mesh_interfaces": list(getMesh_Interfaces().values())
  263. },
  264. "software": {
  265. "firmware": {
  266. "base": call(['lsb_release', '-is'])[0],
  267. "release": call(['lsb_release', '-ds'])[0]
  268. },
  269. "batman-adv": {
  270. "version": open('/sys/module/batman_adv/version').read().strip(),
  271. # "compat": # /lib/gluon/mesh-batman-adv-core/compat
  272. },
  273. "status-page": {
  274. "api": 0
  275. },
  276. "autoupdater": {
  277. "enabled": False
  278. }
  279. },
  280. "hardware": {
  281. "model": getCPUInfo()["model name"],
  282. "nproc": int(call(['nproc'])[0])
  283. },
  284. # "vpn": True,
  285. "owner": {},
  286. "system": {},
  287. "location": {}
  288. }
  289. if 'mesh-vpn' in config and len(config["mesh-vpn"]) > 0:
  290. try:
  291. j["software"]["fastd"] = {
  292. "version": call(['fastd', '-v'])[0].split(' ')[1],
  293. "enabled": True
  294. }
  295. except:
  296. pass
  297. return merge(j, aliases["nodeinfo"])
  298. def createStatistics():
  299. j = {
  300. "node_id": getNode_ID(),
  301. "clients": getClients(),
  302. "traffic": getTraffic(),
  303. "idletime": float(open('/proc/uptime').read().split(' ')[1]),
  304. "loadavg": float(open('/proc/loadavg').read().split(' ')[0]),
  305. "memory": getMemory(),
  306. "processes": dict(zip(('running', 'total'), map(int, open('/proc/loadavg').read().split(' ')[3].split('/')))),
  307. "uptime": float(open('/proc/uptime').read().split(' ')[0]),
  308. "mesh_vpn" : { # HopGlass-Server: node.flags.uplink = parsePeerGroup(_.get(n, 'statistics.mesh_vpn'))
  309. "groups": {
  310. "backbone": {
  311. "peers": getMeshVPNPeers()
  312. }
  313. }
  314. }
  315. }
  316. gateway = getGateway()
  317. if gateway != None:
  318. j = merge(j, gateway)
  319. return j
  320. def createNeighbours():
  321. #/sys/kernel/debug/batman_adv/bat0/originators
  322. j = {
  323. "node_id": getNode_ID()
  324. }
  325. j = merge(j, getNeighbours())
  326. return j
  327. def sendResponse(request, compress):
  328. json_data = {}
  329. #https://github.com/freifunk-gluon/packages/blob/master/net/respondd/src/respondd.c
  330. if request == 'statistics':
  331. json_data[request] = createStatistics()
  332. elif request == 'nodeinfo':
  333. json_data[request] = createNodeinfo()
  334. elif request == 'neighbours':
  335. json_data[request] = createNeighbours()
  336. else:
  337. print("unknown command: " + request)
  338. return
  339. json_str = bytes(json.dumps(json_data, separators=(',', ':')), 'UTF-8')
  340. if compress:
  341. encoder = zlib.compressobj(zlib.Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, zlib.DEFLATED, -15) # The data may be decompressed using zlib and many zlib bindings using -15 as the window size parameter.
  342. gzip_data = encoder.compress(json_str)
  343. gzip_data = gzip_data + encoder.flush()
  344. sock.sendto(gzip_data, sender)
  345. else:
  346. sock.sendto(json_str, sender)
  347. if options["verbose"]:
  348. print(json.dumps(json_data, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
  349. # ===================== Mainfunction ======================
  350. # =========================================================
  351. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  352. parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Debug Output', required=False)
  353. parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose Output', required=False)
  354. args = parser.parse_args()
  355. options = vars(args)
  356. config = {}
  357. try:
  358. with open("config.json", 'r') as cfg_handle:
  359. config = json.load(cfg_handle)
  360. except IOError:
  361. raise
  362. aliases = {}
  363. try:
  364. with open("alias.json", 'r') as cfg_handle:
  365. aliases = json.load(cfg_handle)
  366. except IOError:
  367. raise
  368. if options["debug"]:
  369. print(json.dumps(createNodeinfo(), sort_keys=True, indent=4))
  370. print(json.dumps(createStatistics(), sort_keys=True, indent=4))
  371. print(json.dumps(createNeighbours(), sort_keys=True, indent=4))
  372. #print(json.dumps(getFastd(config["fastd_socket"]), sort_keys=True, indent=4))
  373. #print(json.dumps(getMesh_VPN(), sort_keys=True, indent=4))
  374. sys.exit(1)
  375. if 'addr' in config:
  376. addr = config['addr']
  377. else:
  378. addr = 'ff02::2:1001'
  379. if 'addr' in config:
  380. port = config['port']
  381. else:
  382. port = 1001
  383. if_idx = socket.if_nametoindex(config["bridge"])
  384. group = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, addr) + struct.pack("I", if_idx)
  385. sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
  386. sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_JOIN_GROUP, group)
  387. sock.bind(('::', port))
  388. # =========================================================
  389. while True:
  390. if select.select([sock], [], [], 1)[0]:
  391. msg, sender = sock.recvfrom(2048)
  392. if options["verbose"]:
  393. print(msg)
  394. msg_spl = str(msg, 'UTF-8').split(" ")
  395. if msg_spl[0] == 'GET': # multi_request
  396. for req in msg_spl[1:]:
  397. sendResponse(req, True)
  398. else: # single_request
  399. sendResponse(msg_spl[0], False)