@@ -502,6 +502,22 @@ def _generate_batman_interface_config (node_config, ifaces, sites_config):
if attr not in iface_config:
iface_config[attr] = iface_config_tmpl[attr]
+ # Configure bat_site_if to be part of br-<site>, if present
+ site_bridge = "br-%s" % site
+ if site_bridge in ifaces:
+ bridge_config = ifaces.get (site_bridge)
+ bridge_ports = bridge_config.get ('bridge-ports', None)
+ # There are bridge-ports configured already, but bat_site_if is not present
+ if bridge_ports and bat_site_if not in bridge_ports:
+ if type (bridge_ports) == list:
+ bridge_ports.append (bat_site_if)
+ else:
+ bridge_config['bridge-ports'] += ' ' + bat_site_if
+ # There are no bridge-ports configured
+ if not bridge_ports:
+ bridge_config['bridge-ports'] = bat_site_if
# Make sure there is a bridge present for every site where a mesh_breakout
# interface should be configured.