# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function import willie import datetime import difflib from email.utils import mktime_tz import git import netaddr import json import urllib2 import re import os import random import shelve import subprocess import time import dns.resolver,dns.reversename import socket import SocketServer import threading msgserver = None peers_repo = None monitored_nodes = None highscores = None alfred_method = None alfred_data = None alfred_update = datetime.datetime(1970,1,1,23,42) ffpb_resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver () ffpb_resolver.nameservers = [''] class MsgHandler(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler): """Reads line from TCP stream and forwards it to configured IRC channels.""" def handle(self): data = self.request.recv(2048).strip() sender = self._resolve_name (self.client_address[0]) bot = self.server.bot if bot is None: print("ERROR: No bot in handle() :-(") return target = bot.config.core.owner if bot.config.has_section('ffpb'): is_public = data.lstrip().lower().startswith("public:") if is_public and not (bot.config.ffpb.msg_target_public is None): data = data[7:].lstrip() target = bot.config.ffpb.msg_target_public elif not (bot.config.ffpb.msg_target is None): target = bot.config.ffpb.msg_target bot.msg(target, "[{0}] {1}".format(sender, str(data))) def _resolve_name (self, ip): """Resolves the host name of the given IP address and strips away the suffix (.infra)?.ffpb""" if ip.startswith ("127."): return "localhost" try: addr = dns.reversename.from_address (ip) return re.sub ("(.infra)?.ffpb.", "", str (ffpb_resolver.query (addr, "PTR")[0])) except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: return ip class ThreadingTCPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, SocketServer.TCPServer): pass def setup(bot): global msgserver, peers_repo, alfred_method, highscores, monitored_nodes # signal begin of setup routine bot.memory['ffpb_in_setup'] = True # load highscores from disk highscores = shelve.open('highscoredata', writeback=True) if not 'nodes' in highscores: highscores['nodes'] = 0 highscores['nodes_ts'] = time.time() if not 'clients' in highscores: highscores['clients'] = 0 highscores['clients_ts'] = time.time() # load list of monitored nodes and their last status from disk monitored_nodes = shelve.open('nodes.monitored', writeback=True) # load list of seen nodes from disk seen_nodes = shelve.open('nodes.seen', writeback=True) bot.memory['seen_nodes'] = seen_nodes # no need to configure anything else if the ffpb config section is missing if not bot.config.has_section('ffpb'): bot.memory['ffpb_in_setup'] = False return # open the git repository containing the peers files if not bot.config.ffpb.peers_directory is None: peers_repo = git.Repo(bot.config.ffpb.peers_directory) assert peers_repo.bare == False # if configured, start the messaging server if int(bot.config.ffpb.msg_enable) == 1: host = "localhost" port = 2342 if not bot.config.ffpb.msg_host is None: host = bot.config.ffpb.msg_host if not bot.config.ffpb.msg_port is None: port = int(bot.config.ffpb.msg_port) msgserver = ThreadingTCPServer((host,port), MsgHandler) msgserver.bot = bot ip, port = msgserver.server_address print("Messaging server listening on {}:{}".format(ip,port)) msgserver_thread = threading.Thread(target=msgserver.serve_forever) msgserver_thread.daemon = True msgserver_thread.start() # initially fetch ALFRED data alfred_method = bot.config.ffpb.alfred_method ffpb_updatealfred(bot) # signal end of setup routine bot.memory['ffpb_in_setup'] = False def shutdown(bot): global msgserver, highscores, monitored_nodes # store highscores if not highscores is None: highscores.sync() highscores.close() highscores = None # store monitored nodes if not monitored_nodes is None: monitored_nodes.sync() monitored_nodes.close() monitored_nodes = None # store seen nodes if 'seen_nodes' in bot.memory and bot.memory['seen_nodes'] != None: bot.memory['seen_nodes'].close() bot.memory['seen_nodes'] = None del(bot.memory['seen_nodes']) # shutdown messaging server if not msgserver is None: msgserver.shutdown() print("Closed messaging server.") msgserver = None @willie.module.commands("help") @willie.module.commands("hilfe") @willie.module.commands("man") def ffpb_help(bot, trigger): """Display commony ulsed functions.""" functions = { "!ping ": "Prüfe ob der Knoten erreichbar ist.", "!status": "Aktuellen Status des Netzwerks (insb. Anzahl Knoten und Clients) ausgegeben.", "!info ": "Allgemeine Information zu dem Knoten anzeigen.", "!link ": "MAC-Adresse und Link zur Status-Seite des Knotens anzeigen.", "!exec-on-peer ": "Befehl auf dem Knoten ausführen (nur möglich bei eigenen Knoten oder als Admin, in beiden Fällen auch nur wenn der SSH-Key des Bots hinterlegt wurde)", "!mesh ": "Zeige Mesh-Partner eines Knotens", } param = trigger.group(2) if param is None: bot.say("Funktionen: " + str.join(", ", sorted(functions.keys()))) return if param.startswith("!"): param = param[1:] for fun in functions.keys(): if fun.startswith("!" + param + " "): bot.say("Hilfe zu '" + fun + "': " + functions[fun]) return bot.say("Allgemeine Hilfe gibt's mit !help - ohne Parameter.") def ffpb_findnode(name): """helper: try to identify the node the user meant by the given name""" # no name, no node if name is None or len(name) == 0: return None name = str(name).strip() names = {} # try to match MAC m = re.search("^([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]:){5}[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]$", name) if (not m is None): mac = m.group(0).lower() if mac in alfred_data: return alfred_data[mac] # try to find alias MAC in ALFRED data for nodeid in alfred_data: node = alfred_data[nodeid] if "network" in node: if "mac" in node["network"] and node["network"]["mac"].lower() == mac: return node if "mesh_interfaces" in node["network"]: for mim in node["network"]["mesh_interfaces"]: if mim.lower() == mac: return node return { 'hostname': '?-' + mac.replace(':','').lower(), 'network': { 'addresses': [ mac2ipv6(mac, 'fdca:ffee:ff12:132:') ], 'mac': mac, }, 'hardware': { 'model': 'derived-from-mac' }, } # look through the ALFRED peers for nodeid in alfred_data: node = alfred_data[nodeid] if 'hostname' in node: h = node['hostname'] if h.lower() == name.lower(): return node else: names[h] = nodeid # not found in ALFRED data -> try peers_repo if not peers_repo is None: peer_name = None peer_mac = None peer_file = None for b in peers_repo.heads.master.commit.tree.blobs: if b.name.lower() == name.lower(): peer_name = b.name peer_file = b.abspath break if (not peer_file is None) and os.path.exists(peer_file): peerfile = open(peer_file, "r") for line in peerfile: if line.startswith("# MAC:"): peer_mac = line[6:].strip() peerfile.close() if not (peer_mac is None): return { 'hostname': peer_name, 'network': { 'addresses': [ mac2ipv6(peer_mac, 'fdca:ffee:ff12:132:') ], 'mac': peer_mac }, 'hardware': { 'model': 'derived-from-vpnkeys' }, } # do a similar name lookup in the ALFRED data possibilities = difflib.get_close_matches(name, [ x for x in names ], cutoff=0.75) print('findnode: Fuzzy matching \'{0}\' got {1} entries: {2}'.format(name, len(possibilities), ', '.join(possibilities))) if len(possibilities) == 1: # if we got exactly one candidate that might be it return alfred_data[names[possibilities[0]]] # none of the above was able to identify the requested node return None def ffpb_findnode_from_botparam(bot, name, ensure_recent_alfreddata = True): """helper: call ffpb_findnode() and give common answers via bot if nothing has been found""" if (name is None or len(name) == 0): if not bot is None: bot.reply("Grün.") return None if ensure_recent_alfreddata and alfred_data is None: if not bot is None: bot.say("Informationen sind ausverkauft, kommen erst morgen wieder rein.") return None if ensure_recent_alfreddata and ffpb_alfred_data_outdated(): if not bot is None: bot.say("Ich habe gerade keine aktuellen Informationen, daher sage ich mal lieber nichts zu '" + name + "'.") return None node = ffpb_findnode(name) if node is None: if not bot is None: bot.say("Kein Plan wer oder was mit '" + name + "' gemeint ist :(") return node def mac2ipv6(mac, prefix=None): """Calculate IPv6 address from given MAC, optionally replacing the fe80:: prefix with a given one.""" result = str(netaddr.EUI(mac).ipv6_link_local()) if (not prefix is None) and (result.startswith("fe80::")): result = prefix + result[6:] return result @willie.module.interval(30) def ffpb_updatealfred(bot): """Aktualisiere ALFRED-Daten""" global alfred_data, alfred_update if alfred_method is None or alfred_method == "None": return updated = None if alfred_method == "exec": rawdata = subprocess.check_output(['alfred-json', '-z', '-r', '158']) updated = datetime.datetime.now() elif alfred_method.startswith("http"): try: rawdata = urllib2.urlopen(alfred_method) except: print("Failed to download ALFRED data.") return updated = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime_tz(rawdata.info().getdate_tz("Last-Modified"))) else: print("Unknown ALFRED data method '", alfred_method, "', cannot load new data.", sep="") alfred_data = None return try: alfred_data = json.load(rawdata) #print("Fetched new ALFRED data:", len(alfred_data), "entries") alfred_update = updated except ValueError as e: print("Failed to parse ALFRED data: " + str(e)) return seen_nodes = bot.memory['seen_nodes'] if 'seen_nodes' in bot.memory else None if not seen_nodes is None: new = [] for nodeid in alfred_data: nodeid = str(nodeid) if not nodeid in seen_nodes: seen_nodes[nodeid] = updated new.append((nodeid,alfred_data[nodeid]['hostname'])) print('First time seen: ' + str(nodeid)) if len(new) > 0 and not bot.memory['ffpb_in_setup']: action_msg = None if len(new) == 1: action_msg = random.choice(( 'bemerkt den neuen Knoten {0}', 'entdeckt {0}', 'reibt sich die Augen und erblickt einen verpackungsfrischen Knoten {0}', u'heißt {0} im Mesh willkommen', 'freut sich, dass {0} aufgetaucht ist', 'traut seinen Augen kaum. {0} sagt zum ersten Mal: Hallo Freifunk Paderborn', u'sieht die ersten Herzschläge von {0}', u'stellt einen großen Pott Heißgetränk zu {0} und fragt ob es hier Meshpartner gibt.', )).format('\'' + str(new[0][1]) + '\'') else: action_msg = random.choice(( 'bemerkt die neuen Knoten {0} und {1}', 'hat {0} und {1} entdeckt', 'bewundert {0} sowie {1}', 'freut sich, dass {0} und {1} nun auch online sind', u'heißt {0} und {1} im Mesh willkommen', 'fragt sich ob die noch jungen Herzen von {0} und {1} synchron schlagen', )).format('\'' + '\', \''.join([ str(x[1]) for x in new[0:-1] ]) + '\'', '\'' + str(new[-1][1]) + '\'') action_target = bot.config.ffpb.msg_target bot.msg(action_target, '\x01ACTION %s\x01' % action_msg) def ffpb_alfred_data_outdated(): timeout = datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) is_outdated = timeout > alfred_update #print("ALFRED outdated? {0} (timeout={1} vs. lastupdate={2})".format(is_outdated, timeout, alfred_update)) return is_outdated def ffpb_get_batcave_nodefield(nodeid, field): raw_data = None try: # query BATCAVE for node's field raw_data = urllib2.urlopen('http://[fdca:ffee:ff12:a255::253]:8888/node/{0}/{1}'.format(nodeid, field)) except Exception as err: print('Failed to contact BATCAVE for \'{0}\'->\'{1}\': {2}'.format(nodeid, field, err)) return None try: return json.load(raw_data) except: print('Could not parse BATCAVE\'s response as JSON for \'{0}\'->\'{1}\''.format(nodeid, field)) return None @willie.module.commands('debug-alfred') def ffpb_debug_alfred(bot, trigger): """Show statistics of available ALFRED data.""" if alfred_data is None: bot.say("Keine ALFRED-Daten vorhanden.") else: bot.say("ALFRED Daten: count={0} lastupdate={1}".format(len(alfred_data), alfred_update)) @willie.module.commands('alfred-data') def ffpb_peerdata(bot, trigger): """Show ALFRED data of the given node.""" # user must be a bot admin if (not trigger.admin): bot.say('I wont leak (possibly) sensitive data to you.') return # query must be a PM or as OP in the channel if (not trigger.is_privmsg) and (not trigger.nick in bot.ops[trigger.sender]): bot.say('Kein Keks? Keine Daten.') return # identify node or bail out target_name = trigger.group(2) node = ffpb_findnode_from_botparam(bot, target_name) if node is None: return # reply each key in the node's data for key in node: if key in [ 'hostname' ]: continue bot.say("{0}.{1} = {2}".format(node['hostname'], key, str(node[key]))) @willie.module.commands('info') def ffpb_peerinfo(bot, trigger): """Show information of the given node.""" # identify node or bail out target_name = trigger.group(2) node = ffpb_findnode_from_botparam(bot, target_name) if node is None: return # read node information info_mac = node['network']['mac'] if 'network' in node and 'mac' in node['network'] else '??:??:??:??:??:??' info_id = node['node_id'] if 'node_id' in node else info_mac.replace(':','') info_name = node['hostname'] if 'hostname' in node else '?-' + info_id info_hw = "" if "hardware" in node: if "model" in node["hardware"]: model = node["hardware"]["model"] info_hw = " model='" + model + "'" info_fw = "" info_update = "" if "software" in node: if "firmware" in node["software"]: fwinfo = str(node["software"]["firmware"]["release"]) if "release" in node["software"]["firmware"] else "unknown" info_fw = " firmware=" + fwinfo if "autoupdater" in node["software"]: autoupdater = node["software"]["autoupdater"]["branch"] if node["software"]["autoupdater"]["enabled"] else "off" info_update = " (autoupdater="+autoupdater+")" info_uptime = "" u = -1 if "statistics" in node and "uptime" in node["statistics"]: u = int(float(node["statistics"]["uptime"])) elif 'uptime' in node: u = int(float(node['uptime'])) if u > 0: d, r1 = divmod(u, 86400) h, r2 = divmod(r1, 3600) m, s = divmod(r2, 60) if d > 0: info_uptime = ' up {0}d {1}h'.format(d,h) elif h > 0: info_uptime = ' up {0}h {1}m'.format(h,m) else: info_uptime = ' up {0}m'.format(m) info_clients = "" clientcount = ffpb_get_batcave_nodefield(info_id, 'clients.count') if not clientcount is None: clientcount = int(clientcount) -1 if clientcount == 0: info_clients = ' keine Clients' elif clientcount == 1: info_clients = ' 1 Client' else: info_clients = ' {0} Clients'.format(clientcount) bot.say('[{1}]{2}{3}{4}{5}{6}'.format(info_mac, info_name, info_hw, info_fw, info_update, info_uptime, info_clients)) @willie.module.commands('uptime') def ffpb_peeruptime(bot, trigger): """Display the uptime of the given node.""" # identify node or bail out target_name = trigger.group(2) node = ffpb_findnode_from_botparam(bot, target_name) if node is None: return # get name and raw uptime from node info_name = node["hostname"] info_uptime = '' u_raw = None if 'statistics' in node and 'uptime' in node['statistics']: u_raw = node['statistics']['uptime'] elif 'uptime' in node: u_raw = node['uptime'] # pretty print uptime if not u_raw is None: u = int(float(u_raw)) d, r1 = divmod(u, 86400) h, r2 = divmod(r1, 3600) m, s = divmod(r2, 60) if d > 0: info_uptime += '{0}d '.format(d) if h > 0: info_uptime += '{0}h '.format(h) info_uptime += '{0}m'.format(m) info_uptime += ' # raw: \'{0}\''.format(u_raw) else: info_uptime += '?' # reply to user bot.say('uptime(\'{0}\') = {1}'.format(info_name, info_uptime)) @willie.module.commands('link') def ffpb_peerlink(bot, trigger): """Display MAC and link to statuspage for the given node.""" # identify node or bail out target_name = trigger.group(2) node = ffpb_findnode_from_botparam(bot, target_name) if node is None: return # get node's MAC info_mac = node["network"]["mac"] info_name = node["hostname"] # get node's v6 address in the mesh (derived from MAC address) info_v6 = mac2ipv6(info_mac, 'fdca:ffee:ff12:132:') # reply to user bot.say('[{1}] mac {0} -> http://[{2}]/'.format(info_mac, info_name, info_v6)) @willie.module.interval(60) def ffpb_updatepeers(bot): """Refresh list of peers and message the diff.""" if peers_repo is None: print('WARNING: peers_repo is None') return old_head = peers_repo.head.commit peers_repo.remotes.origin.pull() new_head = peers_repo.head.commit if new_head != old_head: print('git pull: from ' + str(old_head) + ' to ' + str(new_head)) added = [] changed = [] renamed = [] deleted = [] for f in old_head.diff(new_head): if f.new_file: added.append(f.b_blob.name) elif f.deleted_file: deleted.append(f.a_blob.name) elif f.renamed: renamed.append([f.rename_from, f.rename_to]) else: changed.append(f.a_blob.name) response = "Knoten-Update (VPN +{0} %{1} -{2}): ".format(len(added), len(renamed)+len(changed), len(deleted)) for f in added: response += " +'{}'".format(f) for f in changed: response += " %'{}'".format(f) for f in renamed: response += " '{}'->'{}'".format(f[0],f[1]) for f in deleted: response += " -'{}'".format(f) bot.msg(bot.config.ffpb.msg_target, response) def ffpb_fetch_stats(bot, url, memoryid): """Fetch a ffmap-style nodes.json from the given URL and store it in the bot's memory.""" response = urllib2.urlopen(url) data = json.load(response) nodes_active = 0 nodes_total = 0 clients_count = 0 for node in data['nodes']: if node['flags']['gateway'] or node['flags']['client']: continue nodes_total += 1 if node['flags']['online']: nodes_active += 1 if 'legacy' in node['flags'] and node['flags']['legacy']: clients_count -= 1 for link in data['links']: if link['type'] == 'client': clients_count += 1 if not memoryid in bot.memory: bot.memory[memoryid] = { } stats = bot.memory[memoryid] stats["fetchtime"] = time.time() stats["nodes_active"] = nodes_active stats["nodes_total"] = nodes_total stats["clients"] = clients_count return (nodes_active, nodes_total, clients_count) @willie.module.interval(15) def ffpb_get_stats(bot): """Fetch current statistics, if the highscore changes signal this.""" (nodes_active, nodes_total, clients_count) = ffpb_fetch_stats(bot, 'http://map.paderborn.freifunk.net/nodes.json', 'ffpb_stats') highscore_changed = False if nodes_active > highscores['nodes']: highscores['nodes'] = nodes_active highscores['nodes_ts'] = time.time() highscore_changed = True if clients_count > highscores['clients']: highscores['clients'] = clients_count highscores['clients_ts'] = time.time() highscore_changed = True if highscore_changed: print('HIGHSCORE changed: {0} nodes ({1}), {2} clients ({3})'.format(highscores['nodes'], highscores['nodes_ts'], highscores['clients'], highscores['clients_ts'])) if not (bot.config.ffpb.msg_target is None): action_msg = 'notiert sich den neuen Highscore: {0} Knoten ({1}), {2} Clients ({3})'.format(highscores['nodes'], pretty_date(int(highscores['nodes_ts'])), highscores['clients'], pretty_date(int(highscores['clients_ts']))) action_target = bot.config.ffpb.msg_target if (not bot.config.ffpb.msg_target_public is None): action_target = bot.config.ffpb.msg_target_public bot.msg(action_target, '\x01ACTION %s\x01' % action_msg) @willie.module.commands('status') def ffpb_status(bot, trigger): """State of the network: count of nodes + clients""" stats = bot.memory['ffpb_stats'] if 'ffpb_stats' in bot.memory else None if stats is None: bot.say('Uff, kein Plan wo der Zettel ist. Fragst du später nochmal?') return bot.say('Es sind {0} Knoten und ca. {1} Clients online.'.format(stats["nodes_active"], stats["clients"])) def pretty_date(time=False): """ Get a datetime object or a int() Epoch timestamp and return a pretty string like 'an hour ago', 'Yesterday', '3 months ago', 'just now', etc """ from datetime import datetime now = datetime.now() compare = None if type(time) is int: compare = datetime.fromtimestamp(time) elif type(time) is float: compare = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(time)) elif isinstance(time,datetime): compare = time elif not time: compare = now diff = now - compare second_diff = diff.seconds day_diff = diff.days if day_diff < 0: return '' if day_diff == 0: if second_diff < 10: return "gerade eben" if second_diff < 60: return "vor " + str(second_diff) + " Sekunden" if second_diff < 120: return "vor einer Minute" if second_diff < 3600: return "vor " + str(second_diff / 60) + " Minuten" if second_diff < 7200: return "vor einer Stunde" if second_diff < 86400: return "vor " + str(second_diff / 3600) + " Stunden" if day_diff == 1: return "gestern" if day_diff < 7: return "vor " + str(day_diff) + " Tagen" return "am " + compare.strftime('%d.%m.%Y um %H:%M Uhr') @willie.module.commands('highscore') def ffpb_highscore(bot, trigger): bot.say('Highscore: {0} Knoten ({1}), {2} Clients ({3})'.format( highscores['nodes'], pretty_date(int(highscores['nodes_ts'])), highscores['clients'], pretty_date(int(highscores['clients_ts'])))) @willie.module.commands('rollout-status') def ffpb_rolloutstatus(bot, trigger): """Display statistic on how many nodes have installed the given firmware version.""" # initialize results dictionary result = { } for branch in [ 'stable', 'testing' ]: result[branch] = None skipped = 0 # command is restricted to bot-admins via PM or OPS in the channel if (not (trigger.admin and trigger.is_privmsg)) and (not trigger.nick in bot.ops[trigger.sender]): bot.say('Geh zur dunklen Seite, die haben Kekse - ohne Keks kein Rollout-Status.') return # read expected firmware version from command arguments expected_release = trigger.group(2) if expected_release is None or len(expected_release) == 0: bot.say('Von welcher Firmware denn?') return # check each node in ALFRED data for nodeid in alfred_data: item = alfred_data[nodeid] if (not 'software' in item) or (not 'firmware' in item['software']) or (not 'autoupdater' in item['software']): skipped+=1 continue release = item['software']['firmware']['release'] branch = item['software']['autoupdater']['branch'] enabled = item['software']['autoupdater']['enabled'] if not branch in result or result[branch] is None: result[branch] = { 'auto_count': 0, 'auto_not': 0, 'manual_count': 0, 'manual_not': 0, 'total': 0 } result[branch]['total'] += 1 match = 'count' if release == expected_release else 'not' mode = 'auto' if enabled else 'manual' result[branch][mode+'_'+match] += 1 # respond to user output = "Rollout von '{0}':".format(expected_release) for branch in result: auto_count = result[branch]['auto_count'] auto_total = auto_count + result[branch]['auto_not'] manual_count = result[branch]['manual_count'] manual_total = manual_count + result[branch]['manual_not'] bot.say("Rollout von '{0}': {1} = {2}/{3} per Auto-Update, {4}/{5} manuell".format(expected_release, branch, auto_count, auto_total, manual_count, manual_total)) # output count of nodes for which the autoupdater's branch and/or # firmware version could not be retrieved if skipped > 0: bot.say("Rollout von '{0}': {1} Knoten unklar".format(expected_release, skipped)) @willie.module.commands('ping') def ffpb_ping(bot, trigger=None, target_name=None): """Ping the given node""" # identify node or bail out if target_name is None: target_name = trigger.group(2) node = ffpb_findnode_from_botparam(bot, target_name, ensure_recent_alfreddata=False) if node is None: return None # get the first non-linklocal address from the node target = [x for x in node["network"]["addresses"] if not x.lower().startswith("fe80:")][0] target_alias = node["hostname"] # execute the actual ping and reply the result print("pinging '{0}' at {1} ...".format(target_name, target)) result = os.system('ping6 -c 2 -W 1 ' + target + ' >/dev/null') if result == 0: print("ping to '{0}' succeeded".format(target_name)) if not bot is None: bot.say('Knoten "' + target_alias + '" antwortet \o/') return True elif result == 1 or result == 256: print("ping to '{0}' failed".format(target_name)) if not bot is None: bot.say('Keine Antwort von "' + target_alias + '" :-(') return False else: print("ping to '{0}' broken: result='{1}'".format(target_name, result)) if not bot is None: bot.say('Uh oh, irgendwas ist kaputt. Chef, ping result = ' + str(result) + ' - darf ich das essen?') return None @willie.module.interval(3*60) def ffpb_monitor_ping(bot): """Ping each node currently under surveillance.""" # determine where-to to send alerts notify_target = bot.config.core.owner if (not bot.config.ffpb.msg_target is None): notify_target = bot.config.ffpb.msg_target # check each node under surveillance for node in monitored_nodes: mon = monitored_nodes[node] added = mon['added'] last_status = mon['status'] last_check = mon['last_check'] last_success = mon['last_success'] current_status = ffpb_ping(bot=None, target_name=node) if current_status is None: current_status = False mon['status'] = current_status mon['last_check'] = time.time() if current_status == True: mon['last_success'] = time.time() print("Monitoring ({0}) {1} (last: {2} at {3})".format(node, current_status, last_status, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', time.localtime(last_check)))) if last_status != current_status and (last_status or current_status): if last_check is None: # erster Check, keine Ausgabe continue if current_status == True: bot.msg(notify_target, 'Monitoring: Knoten \'{0}\' pingt wieder (zuletzt {1})'.format(node, pretty_date(last_success) if not last_success is None else '[nie]')) else: bot.msg(notify_target, 'Monitoring: Knoten \'{0}\' DOWN'.format(node)) @willie.module.commands('monitor') def ffpb_monitor(bot, trigger): """Monitoring capability of the bot, try subcommands add, del, info and list.""" # command is restricted to bot admins if not trigger.admin: bot.say('Ich ping hier nicht für jeden durch die Weltgeschichte.') return # ensure the user gave arguments (group 2 is the concatenation of all following groups) if trigger.group(2) is None or len(trigger.group(2)) == 0: bot.say('Das Monitoring sagt du hast doofe Ohren.') return # read additional arguments cmd = trigger.group(3) node = trigger.group(4) if not node is None: node = str(node) # subcommand 'add': add a node to monitoring if cmd == "add": if node in monitored_nodes: bot.say('Knoten \'{0}\' wird bereits gemonitored.'.format(node)) return monitored_nodes[node] = { 'added': trigger.sender, 'status': None, 'last_check': None, 'last_success': None, } bot.say('Knoten \'{0}\' wird jetzt ganz genau beobachtet.'.format(node)) return # subcommand 'del': remote a node from monitoring if cmd == "del": if not node in monitored_nodes: bot.say('Knoten \'{0}\' war gar nicht im Monitoring?!?'.format(node)) return del monitored_nodes[node] bot.say('Okidoki, \'{0}\' lasse ich jetzt links liegen.'.format(node)) return # subcommand 'info': monitoring status of a node if cmd == "info": if node in monitored_nodes: info = monitored_nodes[node] bot.say('Knoten \'{0}\' wurde zuletzt {1} gepingt (Ergebnis: {2})'.format(node, pretty_date(info['last_check']) if not info['last_check'] is None else "^W noch nie", info['status'])) else: bot.say('Knoten \'{0}\' ist nicht im Monitoring.'.format(node)) return # subcommand 'list': enumerate all monitored nodes if cmd == "list": nodes = "" for node in monitored_nodes: nodes = nodes + " " + node bot.say('Monitoring aktiv für:' + nodes) return # subcommand 'help': give some hints what the user can do if cmd == "help": bot.say('Entweder "!monitor list" oder "!monitor {add|del|info} "') return # no valid subcommand given: complain bot.say('Mit "' + str(cmd) + '" kann ich nix anfangen, probier doch mal "!monitor help".') @willie.module.commands('providers') def ffpb_providers(bot, trigger): """Fetch the top 5 providers from BATCAVE.""" providers = json.load(urllib2.urlopen('http://[fdca:ffee:ff12:a255::253]:8888/providers?format=json')) providers.sort(key=lambda x: x['count'], reverse=True) bot.say('Unsere Top 5 Provider: ' + ', '.join(['{0} ({1:.0f}%)'.format(x['name'], x['percentage']) for x in providers[:5]])) @willie.module.commands('mesh') def ffpb_nodemesh(bot, trigger): """Display mesh partners of the given node.""" # identify node or bail out target_name = trigger.group(2) node = ffpb_findnode_from_botparam(bot, target_name, ensure_recent_alfreddata=False) if node is None: return None # derive node's id nodeid = node['node_id'] if 'node_id' in node else None if nodeid is None: nodeid = node['network']['mac'].replace(':','') if 'network' in node and 'mac' in node['network'] else None if nodeid is None: bot.say('Mist, ich habe gerade den Zettel verlegt auf dem die Node-ID von \'{0}\' steht, bitte frag später noch einmal.'.format(node['hostname'] if 'hostname' in node else target_name)) return # query BATCAVE for node's neighbours (result is a list of MAC addresses) cave_result = ffpb_get_batcave_nodefield(nodeid, 'neighbours') # query BATCAVE for neighbour's names d = '&'.join([ str(n) for n in cave_result ]) req = urllib2.urlopen('http://[fdca:ffee:ff12:a255::253]:8888/idmac2name', d) # filter out duplicate names neighbours = set() for n in req: ident,name = n.strip().split('=') neighbours.add(name) neighbours = [ x for x in neighbours ] # respond to the user if len(neighbours) == 0: bot.say(u'{0} hat keinen Mesh-Partner *schnüff*'.format(node['hostname'])) elif len(neighbours) == 1: bot.say(u'{0} mesht mit \'{1}\''.format(node['hostname'], neighbours[0])) else: bot.say('{0} mesht mit \'{1}\' und \'{2}\''.format(node['hostname'], '\', \''.join(neighbours[:-1]), neighbours[-1])) @willie.module.commands('exec-on-peer') def ffpb_remoteexec(bot, trigger): """Remote execution on the given node""" bot_params = trigger.group(2).split(' ',1) if len(bot_params) != 2: bot.say('Wenn du nicht sagst wo mach ich remote execution bei dir!') bot.say('Tipp: !exec-on-peer ') return target_name = bot_params[0] target_cmd = bot_params[1] # remote execution may only be triggered by bot admins if not trigger.admin: bot.say('I can haz sudo?') return # make sure remote execution is done in public if trigger.is_privmsg: bot.say('Bitte per Channel.') return # double-safety: user must be op in the channel, too (hoping for NickServ authentication) if not trigger.nick in bot.ops[trigger.sender]: bot.say('Geh weg.') return # identify requested node or bail out node = ffpb_findnode_from_botparam(bot, target_name, ensure_recent_alfreddata=False) if node is None: return # use the node's first non-linklocal address target = [x for x in node["network"]["addresses"] if not x.lower().startswith("fe80:")][0] target_alias = node["hostname"] # assemble SSH command cmd = 'ssh -6 -l root ' + target + ' -- "' + target_cmd + '"' print("REMOTE EXEC = " + cmd) try: # call SSH result = subprocess.check_output(['ssh', '-6n', '-l', 'root', '-o', 'BatchMode=yes', '-o','StrictHostKeyChecking=no', target, target_cmd], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False) # fetch results and sent at most 8 of them as response lines = str(result).splitlines() if len(lines) == 0: bot.say('exec-on-peer(' + target_alias + '): No output') return msg = 'exec-on-peer(' + target_alias + '): ' + str(len(lines)) + ' Zeilen' if len(lines) > 8: msg += ' (zeige max. 8)' bot.say(msg + ':') for line in lines[0:8]: bot.say(line) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: bot.say('Fehler '+str(e.returncode)+' bei exec-on-peer('+target_alias+'): ' + e.output)