#!/bin/bash source ./config function quit() { if [ x"${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == x"$0" ]; then exit $* else return $* fi } function curl_admin() { curl -fsS --basic -u admin:admin $@ } # download missing firmware images models="tp-link-tl-wr841n-nd-v8 tp-link-tl-wr841n-nd-v9" models="${models} tp-link-tl-wdr3500-v1" models="${models} tp-link-tl-wdr3600-v1" models="${models} tp-link-tl-wdr4300-v1" for model in $models; do filename="${base_fw_name}-${model}.bin" imagefile="images/${filename}" if [ ! -r $imagefile ]; then echo -en "Downloading image for '$model' ... " wget -q "${base_fw_url}${filename}" -O "$imagefile" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "OK" else echo "ERROR" rm -f "$imagefile" echo "Failed to download firmware. Please ensure the firmware for '${base_fw_name}-${model}' is present in images/ directory." quit 3 fi fi done ping -n -c 1 -W 1 > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "ROUTER OFFLINE? cannot ping :(" quit 1 fi mac=$(arp -i eth0 -a |grep -oE " [0-9a-f:]+ " |tr -d ' ') echo "mac address: $mac" model=$(curl_admin | grep -oE "WD?R[0-9]+N?") echo "found model: $model" hwver_page="" hwver=$(curl_admin -e $hwver_page | grep -oE "$model v[0-9]+") echo "hw version: $hwver" uploadurl="" image="" if [ "$hwver" = "WR841N v9" ]; then image="${base_fw_name}-tp-link-tl-wr841n-nd-v9.bin" elif [ "$hwver" = "WR841N v8" ]; then image="${base_fw_name}-tp-link-tl-wr841n-nd-v8.bin" elif [ "$hwver" = "WDR3500 v1" ]; then image="${base_fw_name}-tp-link-tl-wdr3500-v1.bin" elif [ "$hwver" = "WDR3600 v1" ]; then image="${base_fw_name}-tp-link-tl-wdr3600-v1.bin" elif [ "$hwver" = "WDR4300 v1" ]; then image="${base_fw_name}-tp-link-tl-wdr4300-v1.bin" else echo "UNKNOWN MODEL ($hwver), SORRY :(" quit 2 fi # prepend images/ subdirectory to filename image="images/$image" echo -en "flashing image: $image ... " curl_admin -e $hwver_page -F Filename=@$image $uploadurl > /dev/null curl_admin -e $uploadurl > /dev/null echo "done :)" echo -en "waiting for router to come up again " while ! ping -n -c 1 -W 2 > /dev/null; do echo -en "." sleep 1 done echo " \o/" # upload authorized keys if present if [ -e authorized_keys ]; then echo -en "uploading authorized_keys ... " keys=`cat authorized_keys` curl -fsS -F cbi.submit=1 -F "cbid.system._keys._data=$keys" > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "OK" else quit 4 fi fi echo