#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer import cgi import difflib import json import logging import re import socket from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn import time import ffstatus # each match of these regex is removed to normalize an ISP's name ISP_NORMALIZATIONS = [ # normalize name: strip company indication re.compile(r'(AG|UG|G?mbH( ?& ?Co\.? ?(OH|K)G)?)$', flags=re.IGNORECASE), # normalize name: strip "pool" suffixes re.compile(r'(dynamic )?(customer |subscriber )?(ip )?(pool|(address )?range|addresses)$', flags=re.IGNORECASE), # normalize name: strip "B2B" and aggregation suffixes re.compile(r'(aggregate|aggregation)?$', flags=re.IGNORECASE), re.compile(r'(B2B)?$', flags=re.IGNORECASE), # normalize name: strip country suffixes (in Germany) re.compile(r'(' + 'DE|Deutschland|Germany|' + 'Nordrhein[- ]Westfalen|NRW|' + 'Baden[- ]Wuerttemburg|BW|' + 'Hessen|' + 'Niedersachsen|' + 'Rheinland[- ]Pfalz|RLP' + ')$', flags=re.IGNORECASE), ] REGEX_QUERYPARAM = re.compile( r'(?P.+?)=(?P.+?)(&|$)') REGEX_URL_NODEINFO = re.compile( r'node/(?P[a-fA-F0-9]{12})(?P\.json|/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)$') REGEX_URL_NODESTATUS = re.compile( r'status/([a-f0-9]{12})$') def normalize_ispname(isp): """Removes all matches on ISP_NORMALIZATIONS.""" isp = isp.strip() for regex in ISP_NORMALIZATIONS: isp = regex.sub('', isp).strip() return isp class BatcaveHttpRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): """Handles a single HTTP request to the BATCAVE.""" def __init__(self, request, client_address, sockserver): self.logger = logging.getLogger('API') BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__( self, request, client_address, sockserver) def __parse_url_pathquery(self): """Extracts the query parameters from the request path.""" url = re.match(r'^/(?P.*?)(\?(?P.+))?$', self.path.strip()) if url is None: logging.warn('Failed to parse URL \'' + str(self.path) + '\'.') return (None, None) path = url.group('path') query = {} if not url.group('query') is None: for match in REGEX_QUERYPARAM.finditer(url.group('query')): query[match.group('key')] = match.group('value') return (path, query) def do_GET(self): """Handles all HTTP GET requests.""" path, query = self.__parse_url_pathquery() if path is None: self.send_error(400, 'Could not parse URL (' + str(self.path) + ')') return # / - index page, shows generic help if path == '': self.__respond_index(query) return # /nodes.json if path == 'nodes.json': self.__respond_nodes(query) return # /list - list stored nodes if path == 'list': self.__respond_list(query) return # /vpn - notification endpoint for gateway's VPN connections if path == 'vpn': self.__respond_vpn(query) return # /providers if path == 'providers': self.__respond_providers(query) return # /find?name=foo&fuzzy=1 if path == 'find': self.__respond_findnode(query) return # /identify?ident=xyz if path == 'identify': self.__respond_identify([query.get('ident')]) return # /node/.json - node's data # /node//field - return specific field from node's data match = REGEX_URL_NODEINFO.match(path) if match is not None: cmd = match.group('cmd') nodeid = match.group('id').lower() if cmd == '.json': self.__respond_node(nodeid) else: self.__respond_nodedetail(nodeid, cmd[1:]) return # /status - overall status (incl. node and client count) if path == 'status.json': self.__respond_status() return # /status/ - node's status match = REGEX_URL_NODESTATUS.match(path) if match is not None: self.__respond_nodestatus(match.group(1)) return # no match -> 404 self.send_error(404, 'The URL \'{0}\' was not found here.'.format(path)) def do_POST(self): """Handles all HTTP POST requests.""" path, query = self.__parse_url_pathquery() if path is None: self.send_error(400, 'Could not parse URL (' + str(self.path) + ')') return params = self.__parse_post_params() # identify listed macs if path == 'identify': self.__respond_identify(params) return # node id/mac to name mapping if path == 'idmac2name': self.__respond_nodeidmac2name(params) return # no match -> 404 self.send_error(404, 'The URL \'{0}\' was not found here.'.format(path)) def __send_nocache_headers(self): """ Sets HTTP headers indicating that this response shall not be cached. """ self.send_header('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate') self.send_header('Pragma', 'no-cache') self.send_header('Expires', '0') def __send_headers(self, content_type='text/html; charset=utf-8', nocache=True, extra={}): """Send HTTP 200 Response header with the given Content-Type. Optionally send no-caching headers, too.""" self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', content_type) if nocache: self.__send_nocache_headers() for key in extra: self.send_header(key, extra[key]) self.end_headers() def __parse_post_params(self): ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.getheader('content-type')) if ctype == 'multipart/form-data': postvars = cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile, pdict) elif ctype == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': length = int(self.headers.getheader('content-length')) postvars = cgi.parse_qs( self.rfile.read(length), keep_blank_values=1, ) else: postvars = {} return postvars def __respond_index(self, query): """Display the index page.""" self.__send_headers() index_page = ''' BATCAVE


Dies ist ein interner Hintergrund-Dienst. Er wird nur von anderen Diensten angesprochen und sollte aus einer Mehrzahl von Gründen nicht öffentlich zugänglich sein.


Grundsätzlich ist das Antwort-Format JSON und alle Daten sind Live-Daten (kein Cache) die ggf. etwas Bearbeitungs-Zeit erfordern.

GET nodes.json
zur Verwendung mit ffmap (MACs anonymisiert)
GET /node/<id>.json
alle Daten zu dem gewünschten Knoten
GET /providers?format=json
Liste der Provider
GET /status
Status der BATCAVE inkl. Zahl der Nodes+Clients (JSON)
GET /status/<id>
Status des Knotens
''' self.wfile.write(index_page) def __respond_list(self, query): """List stored data.""" list_header_info = { # Caption => ('field', 'sortkey-or-None'), "ID": ('node_id', 'id'), "Name": ('hostname', 'name'), "Status": ('status', None), "Type": ('type', None), } list_headers = ('ID', 'Name', 'Status', 'Type') sortkey = query.get('sort') self.__send_headers() self.wfile.write('\n') self.wfile.write('BATCAVE\n') self.wfile.write('\n') self.wfile.write('


\n') self.wfile.write('\n') self.wfile.write('') for caption in list_headers: info = list_header_info[caption] th_attrib, th_prefix, th_suffix = '', '', '' if info[1] is not None: th_prefix = '' th_suffix = '' if sortkey == info[1]: th_attrib = ' class="sorted"' self.wfile.write( '' + th_prefix + caption + th_suffix + '') self.wfile.write('\n') self.wfile.write('\n') data = self.server.storage.get_nodes(sortby=sortkey) count_status = {'active': 0} count_type = {'gateway': 0, 'node': 0} for node in data: nodestatus = self.server.storage.get_nodestatus(node=node) nodetype = node.get('type', 'node') count_status[nodestatus] = count_status.get(nodestatus, 0) + 1 count_type[nodetype] = count_type.get(nodetype, 0) + 1 self.wfile.write('') for caption in list_headers: info = list_header_info[caption] value = node.get(info[0], '') cellcontent = value # special cell contents if info[0] == 'node_id': cellcontent = \ '{0}'.format(value) elif info[0] == 'status': cellcontent = nodestatus self.wfile.write('') self.wfile.write('\n') self.wfile.write('\n') self.wfile.write('') self.wfile.write('
' + cellcontent + '
'.format( len(list_headers))) self.wfile.write('

{0} entries

'.format(len(data))) self.wfile.write('

status: ' + ', '.join( ['{0}={1}'.format(x, count_status[x]) for x in count_status]) + '

') self.wfile.write('

type: ' + ', '.join( ['{0}={1}'.format(x, count_type[x]) for x in count_type]) + '

') self.wfile.write('
\n') def __map_item(self, haystack, needle, prefix=None): if not isinstance(haystack, dict): raise Exception("haystack must be a dict") if needle in haystack: return haystack[needle] idx = len(haystack) + 1 name = prefix + str(idx) while name in haystack: idx += 1 name = prefix + str(idx) haystack[needle] = name return name def __respond_nodes(self, query): indent = 2 if query.get('pretty', 0) == '1' else None nodes = [] clientmapping = {} for node in self.server.storage.get_nodes(): sw = node.get('software', {}) entry = { 'id': node.get('node_id'), 'name': node.get('hostname'), 'clients': [self.__map_item(clientmapping, x, "c") for x in node.get('clients', [])], 'autoupdater': sw.get('autoupdater', 'unknown'), 'firmware': sw.get('firmware'), 'neighbours': node.get('neighbours', {}), 'status': self.server.storage.get_nodestatus(node=node), } nodetype = node.get('type', 'node') if nodetype != 'node': entry['type'] = nodetype geo = node.get('location', None) if geo is not None: entry['geo'] = [geo['latitude'], geo['longitude']] nodes.append(entry) result = {'nodes': nodes} self.__send_headers(content_type='application/json', extra={'Content-Disposition': 'inline'}) self.wfile.write(json.dumps(result, indent=indent)) def __respond_node(self, rawid): """Display node data.""" # search node by the given id node = self.server.storage.find_node(rawid) # handle unknown nodes if node is None: self.send_error(404, 'No node with id \'' + rawid + '\' present.') return # add node's status node['status'] = self.server.storage.get_nodestatus(node=node) # dump node data as JSON self.__send_headers('application/json', extra={'Content-Disposition': 'inline'}) self.wfile.write(json.dumps(node)) def __respond_nodestatus(self, rawid): """Display node status.""" status = self.server.storage.get_nodestatus(rawid) if status is None: self.send_error(404, 'No node with id \'' + rawid + '\' present.') self.__send_headers('text/plain') self.wfile.write(status) def __respond_findnode(self, query): """Find nodes matching the supplied name.""" self.__send_headers('application/json', extra={'Content-Disposition': 'inline'}) name = query.get('name') mac = query.get('mac') if name is not None: fuzzy = query.get('fuzzy', '0') == '1' return self.__respond_findnode_name(name, fuzzy) if mac is not None: return self.__respond_findnode_mac(mac) self.logger.error('/find called without name or mac parameter') self.wfile.write('null') def __respond_findnode_name(self, name, fuzzy): name = name.lower() names = {} for node in self.server.storage.get_nodes(): nodename = node.get('hostname') if nodename is None: continue nodename = nodename.lower() if nodename not in names: # first time we see this name names[nodename] = [node] else: # we've seen this name before names[nodename].append(node) allnames = [x for x in names] resultnames = [] # check for exact match if name in allnames: # write the exact matches and we're done resultnames = [name] else: # are we allowed to fuzzy match? if not fuzzy: # no -> return zero matches self.wfile.write('[]') return # let's do fuzzy matching resultnames = difflib.get_close_matches(name, allnames, cutoff=0.75) result = [] for possibility in resultnames: for x in names[possibility]: x_id = x.get('node_id') result.append({ 'id': x_id, 'name': x.get('hostname'), 'status': self.server.storage.get_nodestatus(x_id), }) self.wfile.write(json.dumps(result)) def __respond_findnode_mac(self, mac): mac = mac.lower() result = [] for node in self.server.storage.get_nodes(): if node.get('mac', '').lower() == mac or \ mac in [x.lower() for x in node.get('macs', [])]: node_id = node.get('node_id') result.append({ 'id': node_id, 'name': node.get('hostname'), 'status': self.server.storage.get_nodestatus(node_id), }) self.wfile.write(json.dumps(result)) def __respond_nodeidmac2name(self, ids): """Return a mapping of the given IDs (or MACs) into their hostname.""" self.__send_headers('text/plain') for nodeid in ids: node = None if not ':' in nodeid: node = self.server.storage.find_node(nodeid) else: node = self.server.storage.find_node_by_mac(nodeid) nodename = node.get('hostname', nodeid) if node is not None else nodeid self.wfile.write('{0}={1}\n'.format(nodeid, nodename)) def __respond_identify(self, idents): self.__send_headers('application/json') nodes = {n['node_id']: n for n in self.server.storage.get_nodes()} answers = {} for ident in idents: ident = ident.lower() answer = [] answers[ident] = answer if ident in nodes: answer.append('node id of "%s"' % nodes[ident].get('hostname')) continue for nodeid in nodes: node = nodes[nodeid] nodename = node.get('hostname', '?') nodeinfo = 'node "%s" (id %s)' % (nodename, nodeid) if ident == node.get('mac', '').lower(): answer.append('primary mac of ' + nodeinfo) elif ident in [x.lower() for x in node.get('macs', [])]: answer.append('mac of ' + nodeinfo) if ident in [c.lower() for c in node.get('clients', [])]: answer.append('client at ' + nodeinfo) self.wfile.write(json.dumps(answers)) def __respond_nodedetail(self, nodeid, field): """ Return a field from the given node. String and integers are returned as text/plain, all other as JSON. """ node = self.server.storage.find_node(nodeid, include_raw_data=True) if node is None: self.send_error(404, 'No node with id \'' + nodeid + '\' present.') return return_count = False if field.endswith('.count'): return_count = True field = field[0:-6] if not field in node: self.send_error( 404, 'The node \'{0}\' does not have a field named \'{1}\'.'.format( nodeid, field ) ) return value = node[field] if return_count: value = len(value) no_json = isinstance(value, basestring) or isinstance(value, int) self.__send_headers('text/plain' if no_json else 'application/json', extra={'Content-Disposition': 'inline'}) self.wfile.write(value if no_json else json.dumps(value)) def __respond_status(self): status = self.server.storage.status self.__send_headers('application/json', extra={'Content-Disposition': 'inline'}) self.wfile.write(json.dumps(status, indent=2)) def __respond_vpn(self, query): storage = self.server.storage peername = query.get('peer') key = query.get('key') action = query.get('action') remote = query.get('remote') gateway = query.get('gw') timestamp = query.get('ts', time.time()) if action == 'list': self.__respond_vpnlist() return if action != 'establish' and action != 'disestablish': self.logger.error('VPN: unknown action \'{0}\''.format(action)) self.send_error(400, 'Invalid action.') return check = { 'peername': peername, 'key': key, 'remote': remote, 'gw': gateway, } for k, val in check.items(): if val is None or len(val.strip()) == 0: self.logger.error('VPN {0}: no or empty {1}'.format(action, k)) self.send_error(400, 'Missing value for ' + str(k)) return try: if action == 'establish': self.server.storage.log_vpn_connect( key, peername, remote, gateway, timestamp) elif action == 'disestablish': self.server.storage.log_vpn_disconnect(key, gateway, timestamp) else: self.logger.error('Unknown VPN action \'%s\' not filtered.', action) self.send_error(500) return except ffstatus.exceptions.VpnKeyFormatError: self.logger.error('VPN peer \'{0}\' {1}: bad key \'{2}\''.format( peername, action, key, )) self.send_error(400, 'Bad key.') return self.__send_headers('text/plain') self.wfile.write('OK') storage.save() def __respond_vpnlist(self): self.__send_headers() self.wfile.write(''' BATCAVE - VPN LIST ''') gateways = self.server.storage.get_vpn_gateways() gws_header = '' self.wfile.write('\n') self.wfile.write('') self.wfile.write('') self.wfile.write('') self.wfile.write('\n') self.wfile.write('' + gws_header + gws_header + '\n') self.wfile.write('\n') for item in self.server.storage.get_vpn_connections(): row_class = 'online' if item['online'] else 'offline' self.wfile.write(''.format(row_class)) self.wfile.write(''.format( item['key'], ' / '.join(item['names']) if len(item['names']) > 0 else '?', )) for conntype in ['active', 'last']: for gateway in gateways: remote = '' if conntype in item['remote'] and \ gateway in item['remote'][conntype]: remote = item['remote'][conntype][gateway] if isinstance(remote, dict): remote = remote['name'] symbol = '✓' if len(remote) > 0 else '×' self.wfile.write(''.format( remote, symbol)) self.wfile.write('\n') self.wfile.write('
' + ''.join(gateways) + '
names (key)activelast
\n') self.wfile.write('') self.wfile.write('') def __respond_providers(self, query): """Return a summary of providers.""" outputformat = query['format'].lower() if 'format' in query else 'html' isps = {} ispblocks = {} for item in self.server.storage.get_vpn_connections(): if item['count']['active'] == 0: continue remotes = [] for gateway in item['remote']['active']: remote = item['remote']['active'][gateway] remotes.append(remote) if len(remotes) == 0: self.logger.warn( 'VPN key \'%s\' is marked with active remotes but 0 found?', item['key']) continue item_isps = set() for remote in remotes: isp = "UNKNOWN" ispblock = remote if isinstance(remote, dict): ispblock = remote['name'] desc_lines = remote['description'].split('\n') isp = normalize_ispname(desc_lines[0]) if not isp in ispblocks: ispblocks[isp] = set() ispblocks[isp].add(ispblock) item_isps.add(isp) if len(item_isps) == 0: item_isps.add('unknown') elif len(item_isps) > 1: self.logger.warn( 'VPN key \'%s\' has %d active IPs ' + 'which resolved to %d ISPs: \'%s\'', item['key'], len(remotes), len(item_isps), '\', \''.join(item_isps) ) for isp in item_isps: if not isp in isps: isps[isp] = 0 isps[isp] += 1.0 / len(item_isps) isps_sum = sum([isps[x] for x in isps]) if outputformat == 'csv': self.__send_headers('text/csv') self.wfile.write('Count;Name\n') for isp in isps: self.wfile.write('{0};"{1}"\n'.format(isps[isp], isp)) elif outputformat == 'json': self.__send_headers('application/json', extra={'Content-Disposition': 'inline'}) data = [ { 'name': isp, 'count': isps[isp], 'percentage': isps[isp]*100.0/isps_sum, 'blocks': [block for block in ispblocks[isp]], } for isp in isps ] self.wfile.write(json.dumps(data)) elif outputformat == 'html': self.__send_headers() self.wfile.write(''' BATCAVE - PROVIDERS \n''') for isp in sorted(isps, key=lambda x: isps[x], reverse=True): self.wfile.write('\n'.format( isps[isp], isps[isp]*100.0/isps_sum, isp, ', '.join(sorted(ispblocks[isp])) if isp in ispblocks else '?', )) self.wfile.write('
\n') self.wfile.write('

Totals: {0} ISPs, {1} connections

\n'.format(len(isps), isps_sum)) self.wfile.write('') else: self.send_error(400, 'Unknown output format.') class ApiServer(ThreadingMixIn, HTTPServer): def __init__(self, endpoint, storage): if ':' in endpoint[0]: self.address_family = socket.AF_INET6 HTTPServer.__init__(self, endpoint, BatcaveHttpRequestHandler) self.storage = storage def __str__(self): return 'ApiServer on {0}'.format(self.server_address) if __name__ == '__main__': dummystorage = ffstatus.basestorage.BaseStorage() server = ApiServer(('', 8888), dummystorage) print("Server:", str(server)) server.serve_forever()