local f, s, o local site = require 'gluon.site' local uci = require("simple-uci").cursor() local config = 'gluon-node-info' -- where to read the configuration from local role = uci:get(config, uci:get_first(config, "system"), "role") f = Form(translate("Node role")) s = f:section(Section, nil, translate( "If this node has a special role within the freifunk network you can specify this role here. " .. "Please find out about the available roles and their impact first. " .. "Only change the role if you know what you are doing." )) o = s:option(ListValue, "role", translate("Role")) o.default = role for _, role in ipairs(site.roles.list()) do o:value(role, translate('gluon-web-node-role:role:' .. role)) end function o:write(data) uci:set(config, uci:get_first(config, "system"), "role", data) uci:commit(config) end return f