local disp = require 'gluon.web.dispatcher' local fs = require "nixio.fs" local util = require "gluon.web.util" local nixio_util = require "nixio.util" local uci = require("simple-uci").cursor() local wizard_dir = "/lib/gluon/config-mode/wizard/" local files = nixio_util.consume(fs.dir(wizard_dir) or function() end) table.sort(files) local wizard = {} for _, entry in ipairs(files) do if entry:sub(1, 1) ~= '.' then local f = assert(loadfile(wizard_dir .. entry)) setfenv(f, getfenv()) local w = f() table.insert(wizard, w) end end local f = Form(translate("Welcome!")) f.submit = translate('Save & restart') f.reset = false local s = f:section(Section) s.template = "config-mode/welcome" s.package = "gluon-config-mode-core" local commit = {'gluon-setup-mode'} local run = {} for _, w in ipairs(wizard) do for _, c in ipairs(w(f, uci) or {}) do if type(c) == 'string' then if not util.contains(commit, c) then table.insert(commit, c) end elseif type(c) == 'function' then table.insert(run, c) else error('invalid wizard module return') end end end function f:write() local nixio = require "nixio" uci:set("gluon-setup-mode", uci:get_first("gluon-setup-mode", "setup_mode"), "configured", true) for _, c in ipairs(commit) do uci:commit(c) end for _, r in ipairs(run) do r() end f.template = "config-mode/reboot" f.package = "gluon-config-mode-core" f.hidenav = true if nixio.fork() == 0 then -- Replace stdout with /dev/null nixio.dup(nixio.open('/dev/null', 'w'), nixio.stdout) -- Sleep a little so the browser can fetch everything required to -- display the reboot page, then reboot the device. nixio.nanosleep(1) nixio.execp("reboot") end end return f