-- Writes all lines from the file input to the file output except those starting with prefix -- Doesn't close the output file, but returns the file object local function do_filter_prefix(input, output, prefix) local f = io.open(output, 'w+') local l = prefix:len() for line in io.lines(input) do if line:sub(1, l) ~= prefix then f:write(line, '\n') end end return f end local function close_stdio(stream, mode) local null = nixio.open('/dev/null', mode) if null then nixio.dup(null, nixio[stream]) if null:fileno() > 2 then null:close() end end end local io = io local os = os local string = string local tonumber = tonumber local ipairs = ipairs local pairs = pairs local table = table local nixio = require 'nixio' local hash = require 'hash' local sysconfig = require 'gluon.sysconfig' local site = require 'gluon.site_config' local fs = require 'nixio.fs' module 'gluon.util' function trim(str) return str:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") end function contains(table, value) for k, v in pairs(table) do if value == v then return k end end return false end function add_to_set(t, itm) for _,v in ipairs(t) do if v == itm then return false end end table.insert(t, itm) return true end function remove_from_set(t, itm) local i = 1 local changed = false while i <= #t do if t[i] == itm then table.remove(t, i) changed = true else i = i + 1 end end return changed end function exec(...) local pid, errno, error = nixio.fork() if pid == 0 then close_stdio('stdin', 'r') close_stdio('stdout', 'w') close_stdio('stderr', 'w') nixio.execp(...) os.exit(127) elseif pid > 0 then local wpid, status, code = nixio.waitpid(pid) return wpid and status == 'exited' and code else return nil, errno, error end end -- Removes all lines starting with a prefix from a file, optionally adding a new one function replace_prefix(file, prefix, add) local tmp = file .. '.tmp' local f = do_filter_prefix(file, tmp, prefix) if add then f:write(add) end f:close() os.rename(tmp, file) end function readline(fd) local line = fd:read('*l') fd:close() return line end function lock(file) exec('lock', file) end function unlock(file) exec('lock', '-u', file) end function node_id() return string.gsub(sysconfig.primary_mac, ':', '') end function site_seed_bytes(key, length) local ret = '' local v = '' local i = 0 -- Inspired by HKDF key expansion, but much simpler, as we don't need -- cryptographic strength while ret:len() < 2*length do i = i + 1 v = hash.md5(v .. key .. site.site_seed .. i) ret = ret .. v end return ret:sub(0, 2*length) end function get_mesh_devices(uconn) local dump = uconn:call("network.interface", "dump", {}) local devices = {} for _, interface in ipairs(dump.interface) do if ( (interface.proto == "gluon_mesh") and interface.up ) then table.insert(devices, interface.device) end end return devices end local function find_phy_by_path(path) for phy in fs.glob('/sys/devices/' .. path .. '/ieee80211/phy*') do return phy:match('([^/]+)$') end for phy in fs.glob('/sys/devices/platform/' .. path .. '/ieee80211/phy*') do return phy:match('([^/]+)$') end end local function find_phy_by_macaddr(macaddr) local addr = macaddr:lower() for file in fs.glob('/sys/class/ieee80211/*/macaddress') do if trim(fs.readfile(file)) == addr then return file:match('([^/]+)/macaddress$') end end end function find_phy(config) if not config or config.type ~= 'mac80211' then return nil elseif config.path then return find_phy_by_path(config.path) elseif config.macaddr then return find_phy_by_macaddr(config.macaddr) else return nil end end local function get_addresses(uci, radio) local phy = find_phy(uci:get_all('wireless', radio)) if not phy then return function() end end return io.lines('/sys/class/ieee80211/' .. phy .. '/addresses') end -- Generates a (hopefully) unique MAC address -- The parameter defines the ID to add to the MAC address -- -- IDs defined so far: -- 0: client0; WAN -- 1: mesh0 -- 2: ibss0 -- 3: wan_radio0 (private WLAN); batman-adv primary address -- 4: client1; LAN -- 5: mesh1 -- 6: ibss1 -- 7: wan_radio1 (private WLAN); mesh VPN function generate_mac(i) if i > 7 or i < 0 then return nil end -- max allowed id (0b111) local hashed = string.sub(hash.md5(sysconfig.primary_mac), 0, 12) local m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6 = string.match(hashed, '(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)') m1 = tonumber(m1, 16) m6 = tonumber(m6, 16) m1 = nixio.bit.bor(m1, 0x02) -- set locally administered bit m1 = nixio.bit.band(m1, 0xFE) -- unset the multicast bit -- It's necessary that the first 45 bits of the MAC address don't -- vary on a single hardware interface, since some chips are using -- a hardware MAC filter. (e.g 'rt305x') m6 = nixio.bit.band(m6, 0xF8) -- zero the last three bits (space needed for counting) m6 = m6 + i -- add virtual interface id return string.format('%02x:%s:%s:%s:%s:%02x', m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6) end local function get_wlan_mac_from_driver(uci, radio, vif) local primary = sysconfig.primary_mac:lower() local i = 1 for addr in get_addresses(uci, radio) do if addr:lower() ~= primary then if i == vif then return addr end i = i + 1 end end end function get_wlan_mac(uci, radio, index, vif) local addr = get_wlan_mac_from_driver(uci, radio, vif) if addr then return addr end return generate_mac(4*(index-1) + (vif-1)) end -- Iterate over all radios defined in UCI calling -- f(radio, index, site.wifiX) for each radio found while passing -- site.wifi24 for 2.4 GHz devices and site.wifi5 for 5 GHz ones. function iterate_radios(uci, f) local radios = {} uci:foreach('wireless', 'wifi-device', function(s) table.insert(radios, s['.name']) end ) for index, radio in ipairs(radios) do local hwmode = uci:get('wireless', radio, 'hwmode') if hwmode == '11g' or hwmode == '11ng' then f(radio, index, site.wifi24) elseif hwmode == '11a' or hwmode == '11na' then f(radio, index, site.wifi5) end end end