#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common START=15 boot() { local enabled="$(uci -q get 'gluon-setup-mode.@setup_mode[0].enabled')" local configured="$(uci -q get 'gluon-setup-mode.@setup_mode[0].configured')" uci set 'gluon-setup-mode.@setup_mode[0].enabled=0' uci commit gluon-setup-mode if [ "$enabled" = 1 -o "$configured" != 1 ]; then lua -e 'uci_state=require("luci.model.uci").cursor_state(); uci_state:section("gluon-setup-mode", "setup_mode", nil, { running = "1" }); uci_state:save("gluon-setup-mode")' else # This can happen after an upgrade from a version before the config file was called gluon-setup-mode # We'll just reboot to return to the normal mode... /etc/init.d/done boot reboot fi }