@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+local uci = require('simple-uci').cursor()
+local system = uci:get_first('system', 'system')
+local f = Form(translate('Logging'), translate(
+ "If you want to use a remote syslog server, you can set it up here. "
+ .. "Please keep in mind that the data is not encrypted, which may cause "
+ .. "individual-related data to be transmitted unencrypted over the internet."
+local s = f:section(Section)
+local enable = s:option(Flag, 'log_remote', translate('Enable'))
+enable.default = uci:get_bool('system', system, 'log_remote')
+function enable:write(data)
+ uci:set('system', system, 'log_remote', data)
+local ip = s:option(Value, 'log_ip', translate('IP'))
+ip.default = uci:get('system', system, 'log_ip')
+ip:depends(enable, true)
+ip.optional = false
+ip.placeholder = ''
+ip.datatype = 'ipaddr'
+function ip:write(data)
+ uci:set('system', system, 'log_ip', data)
+local port = s:option(Value, 'log_port', translate('Port'))
+port.default = uci:get('system', system, 'log_port')
+port:depends(enable, true)
+port.optional = true
+port.placeholder = 514
+port.datatype = 'irange(1, 65535)'
+function port:write(data)
+ if data ~= nil then
+ uci:set('system', system, 'log_port', data)
+ else
+ uci:delete('system', system, 'log_port')
+ end
+function f:write()
+ uci:commit('system')
+return f