@@ -1,33 +1,32 @@
local cbi = require "luci.cbi"
+local i18n = require "luci.i18n"
local uci = luci.model.uci.cursor()
local M = {}
function M.section(form)
local s = form:section(cbi.SimpleSection, nil,
- [[Um deinen Knoten auf der Karte anzeigen zu können, benötigen
- wir seine Koordinaten. Hier hast du die Möglichkeit, diese zu
- hinterlegen.]])
+ i18n.translate("If you want your node to be displayed on the map, you can enter its coodinates here."))
local o
- o = s:option(cbi.Flag, "_location", "Knoten auf der Karte anzeigen")
+ o = s:option(cbi.Flag, "_location", i18n.translate("Show node on the map"))
o.default = uci:get_first("gluon-node-info", "location", "share_location", o.disabled)
o.rmempty = false
- o = s:option(cbi.Value, "_latitude", "Breitengrad")
+ o = s:option(cbi.Value, "_latitude", i18n.translate("Latitude"))
o.default = uci:get_first("gluon-node-info", "location", "latitude")
o:depends("_location", "1")
o.rmempty = false
o.datatype = "float"
- o.description = "z.B. 53.873621"
+ o.description = i18n.translatef("e.g. %s", "53.873621")
- o = s:option(cbi.Value, "_longitude", "Längengrad")
+ o = s:option(cbi.Value, "_longitude", i18n.translate("Longitude"))
o.default = uci:get_first("gluon-node-info", "location", "longitude")
o:depends("_location", "1")
o.rmempty = false
o.datatype = "float"
- o.description = "z.B. 10.689901"
+ o.description = i18n.translatef("e.g. %s", "10.689901")
function M.handle(data)