Karsten Böddeker 9 роки тому
6 змінених файлів з 381 додано та 0 видалено
  1. 61 0
  2. 35 0
  3. 11 0
  4. 4 0
  5. 232 0
  6. 38 0

+ 61 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-03-19 20:28+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Matthias Schiffer <mschiffer@universe-factory.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: German\n"
+"Language: de\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+msgid "gluon-config-mode:welcome"
+msgstr ""
+"Willkommen zum Einrichtungsassistenten für deinen neuen Paderborner "
+"Freifunk-Knoten. Fülle das folgende Formular deinen Vorstellungen "
+"entsprechend aus und sende es ab."
+msgid "gluon-config-mode:pubkey"
+msgstr ""
+"Dies ist der öffentliche Schlüssel deines Freifunk-Knotens. Erst nachdem "
+"er auf den Servern des Paderborner Freifunk-Projektes eingetragen wurde, "
+"kann sich dein Knoten mit dem Paderborner Mesh-VPN zu verbinden. Bitte "
+"schicke dazu diesen Schlüssel und den Namen deines Knotens "
+"an maschinenraum@paderborn.freifunk.net oder benutze am besten gleich das "
+"<a href=\"http://paderborn.freifunk.net/?page_id=366&key=<%=pubkey%>&nname=<%=hostname%>&mac=<%=sysconfig.primary_mac%>\"> "
+"vorausgefüllte Formular auf unserer Webseite</a>.<br><br>"
+msgid "gluon-config-mode:reboot"
+msgstr ""
+"<p> "
+"Dein Knoten startet gerade neu und wird anschließend versuchen, "
+"sich anschließend mit anderen Freifunkknoten in seiner Nähe zu "
+"verbinden. Weitere Informationen zur  "
+"Paderborner Freifunk-Community findest du auf  "
+"<a href=\"http://paderborn.freifunk.net/\">unserer Webseite</a>. "
+"</p> "
+"<p> "
+"Viel Spaß mit deinem Knoten und der Erkundung von Freifunk! "
+"</p> "
+"<p> "
+"Abschließend möchten wir dir noch die Nutzungsbedingungen ans  "
+"Herz legen. Bitte beachte sie. "
+"</p> "
+"<h1>Nutzungsbedingunen</h1> "
+"Freifunk ist komplett von seinen Benutzern geschaffen worden, es gibt keine  "
+"mächtige Instanz, die über das Netz herrscht. Jeder Anwender ist zum gleichen  "
+"Teil an dem Projekt beteiligt. Die Beteiligten betreiben das Netzwerk auf  "
+"eigene Kosten und dies ist nur möglich, wenn sich alle an ein paar Regeln  "
+"halten:<br><br> "
+"<b>Sei Fair!</b><br> "
+"Das Netzwerk darf nicht in einer Weise beansprucht werden die das Netzwerk  "
+"selbst, dessen Betreibende oder andere Teilnehmende beeinträchtigt.<br><br> "
+"<b>Achte auf deine Sicherheit!</b><br> "
+"Das Netzwerk ist, wie das Internet, unverschlüsselt und offen. Jede  "
+"teilnehmende Person ist selbst für die Sicherheit ihrer Verbindungen und  "
+"ihrer Endgeräte verantwortlich.<br><br> "
+"<b>Keine rechtswidrige Nutzung!</b><br> "
+"Das Netzwerk darf nicht für Handlungen missbraucht werden, welche gesetzliche "
+"Bestimmungen oder die Rechte Dritter verletzen. Es dürfen keine Inhalte "
+"übertragen werden, welche gegen geltendes Recht verstoßen. "

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-03-19 20:28+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: Matthias Schiffer <mschiffer@universe-factory.net>\n"
+"Language-Team: English\n"
+"Language: en\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
+msgid "gluon-config-mode:welcome"
+msgstr ""
+"Welcome the the setup wizard of your new Freifunk Paderborn node. "
+"Please fill out the following form and transmit it."
+msgid "gluon-config-mode:pubkey"
+msgstr ""
+"This is your Freifunk node's public key. The node won't be able to "
+"connect to the mesh VPN until the key has been registered on the Freifunk "
+"Paderborn servers. "
+"To register the key fill out "
+"<a href=\"http://paderborn.freifunk.net/?page_id=366&key=<%=pubkey%>&nname=<%=hostname%>&mac=<%=sysconfig.primary_mac%>\">this form</a> "
+"or send it together with your node's name (<em><%=hostname%></em>) to "
+"<a href=\"mailto:maschinenraum@paderborn.freifunk.net\">maschinenraum@paderborn.freifunk.net</a>."
+msgid "gluon-config-mode:reboot"
+msgstr ""
+"<p>The node is currently rebooting and will try to connect to other "
+"nearby Freifunk nodes  after that. "
+"Your can find lots of information on the Freifunk Paderborn community on "
+"<a href=\"https://paderborn.freifunk.net/\">our homepage</a>.</p>"
+"<p>Have fun with your node and exploring the Freifunk network!</p>"

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
+msgid "gluon-config-mode:welcome"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "gluon-config-mode:pubkey"
+msgstr ""
+msgid "gluon-config-mode:reboot"
+msgstr ""

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

+ 232 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+	-- A new node's name will be autogenerated from
+	-- it's primary MAC address and this prefix.
+	-- e.g. freifunk-0123456789ab
+	hostname_prefix = 'freifunk',
+	-- name of this community
+	site_name = 'Freifunk Paderborn',
+	-- short name of this community
+	site_code = 'ffpb',
+	-- v4 and v6 prefixes in which nodes+clients might get an IP
+	prefix4 = '',
+	prefix6 = 'fdca:ffee:ff12:132::/64',
+	-- extra ipv6 prefixes used in this mesh area
+	additional_prefix6 = { '2001:470:6d:860::/64', },
+	-- timezone
+	timezone = 'CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3', -- Europe/Berlin
+	-- network-internal ntp service
+	ntp_servers = {'ntp.services.ffpb'},
+        -- OpenWRT Package Repository (IPv6 capable)
+	opkg_repo = 'http://bo.mirror.garr.it/pub/1/openwrt/barrier_breaker/14.07/%S/packages/',
+	-- regulatory domain of your wifi
+	regdom = 'DE',
+	-- wifi settings (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz)
+	-- the most important thing to change is the SSID
+	-- of the client network (yourcity.freifunk.net) and
+	-- both(!) mesh_?ssid ad-hoc mesh network ids.
+	wifi24 = {
+		ssid = 'paderborn.freifunk.net',
+		channel = 1,
+		htmode = 'HT20',
+		mesh_ssid = '02:d1:11:13:87:ad',
+		mesh_bssid = '02:d1:11:13:87:ad',
+		mesh_mcast_rate = 12000,
+	},
+	wifi5 = {
+		ssid = 'paderborn.freifunk.net',
+		channel = 44,
+		htmode = 'HT40+',
+		mesh_ssid = '02:d1:11:13:87:ad',
+		mesh_bssid = '02:d1:11:13:87:ad',
+		mesh_mcast_rate = 12000,
+	},
+	-- IP address of each router
+	-- At this IP a client can always connect to its
+	-- currently connected node. Both v4 and v6 addr.
+	-- must lie in the above prefix4 and prefix6.
+	next_node = {
+		ip4 = '',
+		ip6 = 'fdca:ffee:ff12:132::1',
+		-- mac address, must be unique in the client network
+		-- (usually, you don't need to change this)
+		mac = '16:41:95:40:f7:dc',
+	},
+	-- fastd (vpn) settings
+	fastd_mesh_vpn = {
+		-- cipher(s) to use
+		methods = {'salsa2012+gmac'},
+		-- the maximum transfer unit
+		-- use 1426 for IPv4 gateways
+		mtu = 1406,
+		groups = {
+			backbone = {
+				-- specifies how many servers are contacted
+				-- by a client simultanously
+				limit = 1,
+				-- list all available vpn servers
+				peers = {
+					gw01 = {
+						-- public fastd key of the vpn server
+						key = '97bc56ae561f67cfe15364134868c3553b5f1eab06f7bd9c5b93fbf280a52b51',
+						-- remotes is an array of ways on how to reach the VPN server
+						-- Use public addresses here, these addresses are used when the mesh might not be connected yet.
+						-- format: '[|ipv4|ipv6] "hostname-or-ip-address" port 10000'
+						remotes = {
+							'ipv6 "v6.gw01.paderborn.freifunk.net" port 10000',
+							'ipv4 "v4.gw01.paderborn.freifunk.net" port 10000',
+							'ipv6 "2a01:4f8:190:2105::ff12" port 10000',
+							'ipv4 "" port 10000',
+						},
+					},
+					gw02 = {
+						key = 'e8fa9bf402fd33dd1ba804a97f2e46c704423ff49e9c55312845a7bfb93121ad',
+						remotes = {
+							'ipv6 "v6.gw02.paderborn.freifunk.net" port 10000',
+							'ipv4 "v4.gw02.paderborn.freifunk.net" port 10000',
+							'ipv6 "2a01:4f8:190:6500::18:1" port 10000',
+							'ipv4 "" port 10000',
+						},
+					},
+					gw03 = {
+						key = 'cf7b54f7221a26251a5970e1d404f864ff4bfed3254bd741cf754445e040b9d0',
+						remotes = {
+							'ipv6 "v6.gw03.paderborn.freifunk.net" port 10000',
+							'ipv4 "v4.gw03.paderborn.freifunk.net" port 10000',
+							'ipv6 "2a01:a700:4621:d100::10" port 10000',
+							'ipv4 "" port 10000',
+						},
+					},
+					gw04 = {
+						key = 'cf3855e5fa04e4c04a294cb6e8902f91c7ff7ef82bf031cc842a2b79b936677c',
+						remotes = {
+							'ipv6 "v6.gw04.paderborn.freifunk.net" port 10000',
+							'ipv4 "v4.gw04.paderborn.freifunk.net" port 10000',
+							'ipv6 "2a02:450:1:4::10" port 10000',
+							'ipv4 "" port 10000',
+						},
+					},
+					gw05 = {
+						key = 'd0d32a2f536a0fc1f0c848e6da15bd96851d5ff4fdf9239c830bab033ddcec1a',
+						remotes = {
+							'ipv6 "v6.gw05.paderborn.freifunk.net" port 10000',
+							'ipv4 "v4.gw05.paderborn.freifunk.net" port 10000',
+							'ipv6 "2001:638:502:1884::ff05" port 10000',
+							'ipv4 "" port 10000',
+						},
+					},
+					gw06 = {
+						key = 'b912bcf1c1335390364b8030448e53d8869b650f32923e59bf01d763d3028840',
+						remotes = {
+							'ipv6 "v6.gw06.paderborn.freifunk.net" port 10000',
+							'ipv4 "v4.gw06.paderborn.freifunk.net" port 10000',
+							'ipv6 "2a03:4000:6:20f0::ff12" port 10000',
+							'ipv4 "" port 10000',
+						},
+					},
+					gw08 = {
+						key = '3da050bbf1c3e95af286af65553f546fd563d9cb5d4b3b3444069bef281de621',
+						remotes = {
+							'ipv6 "v6.gw08.paderborn.freifunk.net" port 10000',
+							'ipv4 "v4.gw08.paderborn.freifunk.net" port 10000',
+							'ipv6 "2a03:4000:6:1151::ff12" port 10000',
+							'ipv4 "" port 10000',
+						},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+		},
+	},
+	-- configure the autoupdater
+	autoupdater = {
+		enabled = 1,
+		-- default branch for a firmware
+		-- In config-mode, the user can select a different branch from below
+		branch = 'stable',
+		-- available branches for the autoupdater
+		branches = {
+			stable = {
+				-- visible name of this branch (why not use the internal identifier here, too)
+				name = 'stable',
+				-- where to get the manifest file (without the trailing /manifest)
+				-- It's wise to use an internal address here,
+				-- but specifying a publicly available update site does not hurt.
+				mirrors = {'http://[fdca:ffee:ff12:a254::80]/stable', 'http://firmware.paderborn.freifunk.net/stable'},
+				-- Number of valid manifest signatures necessary to accept the manifest as "good".
+				good_signatures = 3,
+				-- list of public keys which are considered "good" for manifest signatures
+				pubkeys = {
+					'16b0e942929d6592d4a01b66b334427ba4db03b388a876432958d9010bd8d8b5', -- HeJ
+					'b0197042824a752c2dba717a4b2ded88852111bbe12e6b5f57fdfa3abb9312c0', -- thardes2
+					'ba2e6ff4de41ade9959702195d4c26c764e7aab85c627363681c29dbc4a8a2c5', -- oscar-
+					'fb9d6beba63dcb6175d0248c1e743b5fe4359474eb264d27f389d7a962e24477', -- northalpha
+					'f70f9ddeb307fff8fca31a76f4fbd0ac676dab8ad143625f0a4160d434d72876', -- Barbarossa
+				},
+			},
+			testing = {
+				name = 'testing',
+				mirrors = {'http://[fdca:ffee:ff12:a254::80]/testing','http://firmware.paderborn.freifunk.net/testing'},
+				good_signatures = 2,
+				pubkeys = {
+					'16b0e942929d6592d4a01b66b334427ba4db03b388a876432958d9010bd8d8b5', -- HeJ
+					'b0197042824a752c2dba717a4b2ded88852111bbe12e6b5f57fdfa3abb9312c0', -- thardes2
+					'ba2e6ff4de41ade9959702195d4c26c764e7aab85c627363681c29dbc4a8a2c5', -- oscar-
+					'fb9d6beba63dcb6175d0248c1e743b5fe4359474eb264d27f389d7a962e24477', -- northalpha
+					'f70f9ddeb307fff8fca31a76f4fbd0ac676dab8ad143625f0a4160d434d72876', -- Barbarossa
+				},
+			},
+			experimental = {
+				name = 'experimental',
+				mirrors = {'http://[fdca:ffee:ff12:a254::80]/experimental','http://firmware.paderborn.freifunk.net/experimental'},
+				good_signatures = 1,
+				pubkeys = {
+					'16b0e942929d6592d4a01b66b334427ba4db03b388a876432958d9010bd8d8b5', -- HeJ
+					'b0197042824a752c2dba717a4b2ded88852111bbe12e6b5f57fdfa3abb9312c0', -- thardes2
+					'ba2e6ff4de41ade9959702195d4c26c764e7aab85c627363681c29dbc4a8a2c5', -- oscar-
+					'fb9d6beba63dcb6175d0248c1e743b5fe4359474eb264d27f389d7a962e24477', -- northalpha
+					'f70f9ddeb307fff8fca31a76f4fbd0ac676dab8ad143625f0a4160d434d72876', -- Barbarossa
+				},
+			},
+		},
+	},
+	-- default traffic shaping (bandwidth limit) settings
+	simple_tc = {
+		mesh_vpn = {
+			ifname = 'mesh-vpn',
+			enabled = false,
+			limit_egress = 200,
+			limit_ingress = 3000,
+		},
+	},
+	-- configure ffpb-debug
+	debugserver = {
+		host = { 'debugreport.paderborn.freifunk.net', 'fdca:ffee:ff12:a254::deb9' },
+		port = 1337,
+		liveport = 1338,
+	},
+	-- enable BATMAN on WAN interface by default (requires gluon-batman-on-wan package)
+	batman_on_wan = 0,

+ 38 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+	gluon-mesh-batman-adv-14 \
+	ffpb-banner \
+	ffpb-debug \
+    ffpb-node-tuning \
+	ffpb-ebtables-net-rules \
+	ffpb-openwrt-migration-tools \
+	gluon-alfred \
+	gluon-announced \
+	gluon-autoupdater \
+	gluon-config-mode-core \
+	gluon-config-mode-autoupdater \
+	gluon-config-mode-hostname \
+	gluon-config-mode-mesh-vpn \
+	gluon-config-mode-geo-location \
+	gluon-ebtables-filter-multicast \
+	gluon-ebtables-filter-ra-dhcp \
+	gluon-luci-admin \
+	gluon-luci-autoupdater \
+	gluon-luci-portconfig \
+	gluon-luci-wifi-config \
+	gluon-next-node \
+	gluon-mesh-vpn-fastd \
+	gluon-radvd \
+	gluon-setup-mode \
+	gluon-status-page \
+	iwinfo \
+	iptables \
+	haveged
+# 0.2~1 < 0.2 < 0.2+1 < 0.2-1 < 0.2.1 < 0.3
+DEFAULT_GLUON_RELEASE := 0.6.5~exp$(shell date '+%Y%m%d')
+GLUON_LANGS ?= en de