burp-server.conf.tmpl 3.4 KB

  1. #
  2. # Burp server configuration (Salt managed)
  3. #
  4. mode = server
  5. # The default addresses to listen on depend upon compile time options.
  6. # They may be overridden here.
  7. address =
  8. port = 4971
  9. # Think carefully before changing the status port address, as it can be used
  10. # to view the contents of backups.
  11. #status_address =
  12. # If you do not wish to run a status server at all, comment status_port out.
  13. status_port = 4972
  14. directory = /srv/burp/
  15. dedup_group = global
  16. clientconfdir = /etc/burp/clientconfdir
  17. # Automagically choose protocol
  18. protocol = 0
  19. pidfile = /var/run/burp.server.pid
  20. hardlinked_archive = 0
  21. working_dir_recovery_method = delete
  22. max_children = 5
  23. max_status_children = 5
  24. umask = 0022
  25. syslog = 1
  26. stdout = 0
  27. # The following options can restrict what the client can do.
  28. # Restore clients can override all of these expect for force_backup.
  29. client_can_delete = 0
  30. # Set client_can_force_backup to 0 to only allow timed backups.
  31. client_can_force_backup = 1
  32. client_can_list = 1
  33. # Set client_can_restore to 0 if you want restores to only be initialised by
  34. # the server.
  35. client_can_restore = 1
  36. client_can_verify = 1
  37. # Ratelimit throttles the send speed. Specified in Megabits per second (Mb/s).
  38. # ratelimit = 1.5
  39. # Network timeout defaults to 7200 seconds (2 hours).
  40. # network_timeout = 7200
  41. # Server storage compression. Default is zlib9. Set to zlib0 to turn it off.
  42. #compression = zlib9
  43. # When the client version does not match the server version, log a warning.
  44. # Set to 0 to turn it off.
  45. version_warn = 1
  46. # You can have as many 'keep' lines as you like.
  47. # For example, if running backups daily, setting 7, 4, 6 will keep
  48. # 7 daily backups, 4 weekly, and 6 four-weekly backups.
  49. keep = 7
  50. # keep = 4
  51. # keep = 6
  52. ca_crl_check = 0
  53. ssl_cert_ca = /etc/ssl/certs/ffho-cacert.pem
  54. ssl_cert = /etc/ssl/certs/hamster.in.ffho.net.cert.pem
  55. ssl_key = /etc/ssl/private/hamster.in.ffho.net.key.pem
  56. ssl_dhfile = /etc/ssl/dhfile.pem
  57. timer_script = /usr/share/burp/scripts/timer_script
  58. # Ensure that 20 hours elapse between backups
  59. # Available units:
  60. # s (seconds), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days), w (weeks), n (months)
  61. timer_arg = 20h
  62. # Allow backups to start in the evenings and nights during weekdays
  63. timer_arg = Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,00,01,02,03,04,05,19,20,21,22,23
  64. # Allow more hours at the weekend.
  65. timer_arg = Sat,Sun,00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,17,18,19,20,21,22,23
  66. # Note that, if you specify no timebands, the default timer script will never
  67. # allow backups.
  68. # Uncomment the notify_success_* lines for email notifications of backups that
  69. # succeeded.
  70. # In the subject line, the following are substituted:
  71. # %b - "backup"/"restore"/"verify"
  72. # %c - client name
  73. # %w - number of warnings, if any
  74. notify_success_script = /usr/share/burp/scripts/notify_script
  75. notify_success_arg = sendmail -t
  76. notify_success_arg = To: ops@ffho.net
  77. notify_success_arg = From: ops@ffho.net
  78. notify_success_arg = Subject: %b succeeded: %c %w
  79. # Uncomment the following to have success notifications only if there were
  80. # warnings.
  81. #notify_success_warnings_only = 1
  82. # Uncomment the following to have success notifications only if there were
  83. # new or changed files.
  84. #notify_success_changes_only = 1
  85. # Uncomment the following for email notifications of backups that failed.
  86. notify_failure_script = /usr/share/burp/scripts/notify_script
  87. notify_failure_arg = sendmail -t
  88. notify_failure_arg = To: ops@ffho.net
  89. notify_failure_arg = From: ops@ffho.net
  90. notify_failure_arg = Subject: %b failed: %c %w