yanic.conf.tmpl 2.5 KB

  1. # Send respondd request to update information
  2. [respondd]
  3. enable = true
  4. # Delay startup until a multiple of the period since zero time
  5. synchronize = "1m"
  6. # how oftern request per multicast
  7. collect_interval = "1m"
  8. # on which interface
  9. interface = "{{iface}}"
  10. # define a port to listen
  11. # (no or 0 would choose at port at his own)
  12. #port = 10001
  13. # A little build-in webserver, which statically serves a directory.
  14. # This is useful for testing purposes or for a little standalone installation.
  15. [webserver]
  16. enable = {{webserver}}
  17. bind = "[{{bind_ip}}]:8080"
  18. webroot = "/srv/yanic/data"
  19. [nodes]
  20. enable = true
  21. # state-version of nodes.json to store cached data,
  22. # these is the directly collected respondd data
  23. state_path = "/srv/yanic/{{site}}.state"
  24. # Export nodes and graph periodically
  25. save_interval = "1m"
  26. # Set node to offline if not seen within this period
  27. offline_after = "10m"
  28. # Prune offline nodes after a time of inactivity
  29. prune_after = "30d"
  30. [meshviewer]
  31. # structur of nodes.json, which to support
  32. # version 1 is to support legacy meshviewer (which are in master branch)
  33. # i.e. https://github.com/ffnord/meshviewer/tree/master
  34. # version 2 is to support new version of meshviewer (which are in legacy develop branch or newer)
  35. # i.e. https://github.com/ffnord/meshviewer/tree/dev
  36. # https://github.com/ffrgb/meshviewer/tree/develop
  37. version = 2
  38. # path where to store nodes.json
  39. nodes_path = "/srv/yanic/data/{{site}}/nodes.json"
  40. # path where to store graph.json
  41. graph_path = "/srv/yanic/data/{{site}}/graph.json"
  42. [database]
  43. # cleaning data of measurement node,
  44. # which are older than 7d
  45. delete_after = "30d"
  46. # how often run the cleaning
  47. delete_interval = "1d"
  48. # Save collected data to InfluxDB
  49. # there would be the following measurments:
  50. # node: store node spezific data i.e. clients memory, airtime
  51. # global: store global data, i.e. count of clients and nodes
  52. # firmware: store count of nodes tagged with firmware
  53. # model: store count of nodes tagged with hardware model
  54. [[database.connection.influxdb]]
  55. enable = true
  56. address = "{{influxdb.address}}"
  57. database = "{{influxdb.database}}"
  58. username = "{{influxdb.username}}"
  59. password = "{{influxdb.password}}"
  60. # tagging of the data are optional
  61. # be carefull tags by system would overright config
  62. [database.connection.influxdb.tags]
  63. job = "{{site}}"
  64. [[database.connection.logging]]
  65. enable = false
  66. path = "/var/log/yanic.log"
  67. [[database.connection.graphite]]
  68. enable = false
  69. address = "localhost:2003"
  70. prefix = "freifunk"