#!/bin/bash # (c) 2016 Freifunk Hochstift <kontakt@hochstift.freifunk.net> # DEFAULT_DIR="{{salt['pillar.get']('nodes:' ~ grains['id'] ~ ':path:firmware', [])}}" DEFAULT_BRANCHES="stable testing experimental" getCurrentVersion() { # Get hash from latest revision git log --format=format:%H -1 | tr -d '\n' } function createChangelog { VERSION=$1 VERSION_DIR=${FIRMWARE_DIR}/${VERSION} if [ ! -d "${VERSION_DIR}" ]; then echo "${VERSION} directory not found (${VERSION_DIR})." return 1 fi rm -f ${VERSION_DIR}/Changelog.html if [ -r "${VERSION_DIR}/Changelog.md" ]; then [ "${VERBOSE}" -eq "1" ] && echo "create ${VERSION}/Changelog.html" pandoc -f markdown -t html5 -o ${VERSION_DIR}/Changelog.html -s -V pagetitle="FFHO Changelog (${VERSION})" ${VERSION_DIR}/Changelog.md > /dev/null [ "$?" -eq "0" ] || echo "failed to create ${VERSION}/Changelog.html" fi return 0 } [ -n "${FIRMWARE_DIR}" ] || FIRMWARE_DIR=${DEFAULT_DIR} [ -n "${FORCE}" ] || FORCE=0 [ -n "${BRANCHES}" ] || BRANCHES=${DEFAULT_BRANCHES} [ -n "${VERBOSE}" ] || VERBOSE=0 if [ ! -d "${FIRMWARE_DIR}" ]; then echo "Firmware directory not found (${FIRMWARE_DIR}). Cannot update." exit 1 fi if [ ! -d "${FIRMWARE_DIR}/.git" ]; then echo "Firmware directory does not seem to be a git repository. Cannot update." exit 1 fi pushd ${FIRMWARE_DIR} > /dev/null # Get current version hash LAST_REVISION="$(getCurrentVersion)" if [ "$(git status --porcelain --untracked-files=no)" ]; then echo "Local changes to firmware directory. Cowardly refusing to update firmware-website.git!" >&2 exit 1 fi [ "${VERBOSE}" -eq "1" ] && echo "pull changes from remote repository" if ! git pull --quiet --rebase > /dev/null; then echo " => Update of firmware-website.git failed... :-(" >&2 exit 2 fi # Get new version hash NEW_REVISION="$(getCurrentVersion)" if [ "${LAST_REVISION}" != "${NEW_REVISION}" ] || [ "${FORCE}" -eq "1" ]; then for folder in *; do if [ -d "${folder}" -a ! -L "${folder}" ]; then createChangelog ${folder} fi done [ "${VERBOSE}" -eq "1" ] && echo "" # Get list of commits since last local version num_commits="$(git log --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline ${LAST_REVISION}..${NEW_REVISION} | wc -l)" last_msg="$(git log --abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline ${LAST_REVISION}..${NEW_REVISION} | head -n1)" # Update models.json scripts/buildModels.py stable models.json echo "Firmware-Website updated: ${num_commits} commit(s) (last: ${last_msg})" fi [ "${VERBOSE}" -eq "1" ] && echo "Finish" popd > /dev/null #${FIRMWARE_DIR}