#!/usr/bin/env python3 import re from lib.respondd import Respondd import lib.helper class Neighbours(Respondd): def __init__(self, config): Respondd.__init__(self, config) @staticmethod def getStationDump(interfaceList): ret = {} for interface in interfaceList: mac = '' lines = lib.helper.call(['iw', 'dev', interface, 'station', 'dump']) for line in lines: # Station 32:b8:c3:86:3e:e8 (on ibss3) lineMatch = re.match(r'^Station ([0-9a-f:]+) \(on ([\w\d]+)\)', line, re.I) if lineMatch: mac = lineMatch.group(1) ret[mac] = {} else: lineMatch = re.match(r'^[\t ]+([^:]+):[\t ]+([^ ]+)', line, re.I) if lineMatch: ret[mac][lineMatch.group(1)] = lineMatch.group(2) return ret @staticmethod def getMeshInterfaces(batmanInterface): ret = {} lines = lib.helper.batctlMeshif([batmanInterface, 'if']) for line in lines: lineMatch = re.match(r'^([^:]*)', line) interface = lineMatch.group(1) ret[interface] = lib.helper.getInterfaceMAC(interface) return ret def _get(self): ret = {'batadv': {}} stationDump = None if 'mesh-wlan' in self._config: ret['wifi'] = {} stationDump = self.getStationDump(self._config['mesh-wlan']) meshInterfaces = self.getMeshInterfaces(self._config['batman']) lines = lib.helper.batctlMeshif([self._config['batman'], 'o', '-n']) for line in lines: # * e2:ad:db:b7:66:63 2.712s (175) be:b7:25:4f:8f:96 [mesh-vpn-l2tp-1] lineMatch = re.match(r'^[ \*\t]*([0-9a-f:]+)[ ]*([\d\.]*)s[ ]*\(([ ]*\d*)\)[ ]*([0-9a-f:]+)[ ]*\[[ ]*(.*)\]', line, re.I) if lineMatch: interface = lineMatch.group(5) macOrigin = lineMatch.group(1) macNexthop = lineMatch.group(4) tq = lineMatch.group(3) lastseen = lineMatch.group(2) if macOrigin == macNexthop: if 'mesh-wlan' in self._config and interface in self._config['mesh-wlan'] and stationDump is not None: if meshInterfaces[interface] not in ret['wifi']: ret['wifi'][meshInterfaces[interface]] = {} ret['wifi'][meshInterfaces[interface]]['neighbours'] = {} if macOrigin in stationDump: ret['wifi'][meshInterfaces[interface]]['neighbours'][macOrigin] = { 'signal': stationDump[macOrigin]['signal'], 'noise': 0, # TODO: fehlt noch 'inactive': stationDump[macOrigin]['inactive time'] } if interface in meshInterfaces: if meshInterfaces[interface] not in ret['batadv']: ret['batadv'][meshInterfaces[interface]] = {} ret['batadv'][meshInterfaces[interface]]['neighbours'] = {} ret['batadv'][meshInterfaces[interface]]['neighbours'][macOrigin] = { 'tq': int(tq), 'lastseen': float(lastseen) } return ret