respondd Status for Servers --------------------------------- A gluon compatible status script for respondd in python. ## Dependencies * lsb_release * ethtool * python3.3 * python3-netifaces * py-cpuinfo * batman-adv ## Setup ### config.json Startparameter for ext-respondd. Copy `config.json.example` to `config.json` and change it to match your server configuration. (`cp config.json.example config.json`) * `batman` (string) * `fastd` (string) * `bridge` (string) * `fastd_socket` (string) ### alias.json Aliases to overwrite the returned server data. Copy `alias.json.example` to `alias.json` and input e.g. owner information. (`cp alias.json.example alias.json`) The JSON content matches one block of the nodes.json, which is outputted by e.g. the [HopGlass-Server]( ### ext-respondd.service Register ext-respondd as a systemd service ``` cp ext-respondd.service.example /lib/systemd/system/ext-respondd.service ! modify the path inside of the ext-respondd.service ! systemctl enable ext-respondd systemctl start ext-respondd ``` ## Notes Add this to your aliases.json in your [HopGlass-Server]( if this a gateway. ``` "gw2": { "nodeinfo": { "hostname": "Gateway 2", "node_id": "gw2" }, "flags": { "gateway": true } } ```