#!/usr/bin/env python3 import socket import re import sys import json from lib.respondd import Respondd import lib.helper class Statistics(Respondd): def __init__(self, config): Respondd.__init__(self, config) def getClients(self): ret = {'total': 0, 'wifi': 0} macBridge = lib.helper.getInterfaceMAC(self._config['bridge']) lines = lib.helper.call(['batctl', '-m', self._config['batman'], 'tl', '-n']) for line in lines: # batman-adv -> translation-table.c -> batadv_tt_local_seq_print_text # R = BATADV_TT_CLIENT_ROAM # P = BATADV_TT_CLIENT_NOPURGE # N = BATADV_TT_CLIENT_NEW # X = BATADV_TT_CLIENT_PENDING # W = BATADV_TT_CLIENT_WIFI # I = BATADV_TT_CLIENT_ISOLA # . = unset # * c0:11:73:b2:8f:dd -1 [.P..W.] 1.710 (0xe680a836) #d4:3d:7e:34:5c:b1 -1 [.P....] 0.000 (0x12a02817) lineMatch = re.match(r'^[\s*]*([0-9a-f:]+)\s+-\d\s\[([RPNXWI\.]+)\]', line, re.I) if lineMatch: mac = lineMatch.group(1) flags = lineMatch.group(2) if macBridge != mac and flags[0] != 'R': # Filter bridge and roaming clients if not mac.startswith('33:33:') and not mac.startswith('01:00:5e:'): # Filter Multicast ret['total'] += 1 if flags[4] == 'W': ret['wifi'] += 1 return ret def getTraffic(self): traffic = {} lines = lib.helper.call(['ethtool', '-S', self._config['batman']]) if len(lines) == 0: return {} for line in lines[1:]: lineSplit = line.strip().split(':', 1) name = lineSplit[0] value = lineSplit[1].strip() traffic[name] = int(value) ret = { 'tx': { 'packets': traffic['tx'], 'bytes': traffic['tx_bytes'], 'dropped': traffic['tx_dropped'], }, 'rx': { 'packets': traffic['rx'], 'bytes': traffic['rx_bytes'], }, 'forward': { 'packets': traffic['forward'], 'bytes': traffic['forward_bytes'], }, 'mgmt_rx': { 'packets': traffic['mgmt_rx'], 'bytes': traffic['mgmt_rx_bytes'], }, 'mgmt_tx': { 'packets': traffic['mgmt_tx'], 'bytes': traffic['mgmt_tx_bytes'], }, } return ret @staticmethod def getMemory(): ret = {} lines = open('/proc/meminfo').readlines() for line in lines: lineSplit = line.split(' ', 1) name = lineSplit[0][:-1] value = int(lineSplit[1].strip().split(' ', 1)[0]) if name == 'MemTotal': ret['total'] = value elif name == 'MemFree': ret['free'] = value elif name == 'Buffers': ret['buffers'] = value elif name == 'Cached': ret['cached'] = value return ret def getFastd(self): dataFastd = b'' try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect(self._config['fastd_socket']) except socket.error as err: print('socket error: ', sys.stderr, err) return None while True: data = sock.recv(1024) if not data: break dataFastd += data sock.close() return json.loads(dataFastd.decode('utf-8')) def getMeshVPNPeers(self): ret = {} if 'fastd_socket' in self._config: fastd = self.getFastd() for peer in fastd['peers'].values(): if peer['connection']: ret[peer['name']] = { 'established': peer['connection']['established'] } else: ret[peer['name']] = None return ret else: return None def getGateway(self): ret = None lines = lib.helper.call(['batctl', '-m', self._config['batman'], 'gwl', '-n']) for line in lines: lineMatch = re.match(r'^(\*|=>) +([0-9a-f:]+) \([\d ]+\) ([0-9a-f:]+)', line) if lineMatch: ret = {} ret['gateway'] = lineMatch.group(2) ret['gateway_nexthop'] = lineMatch.group(3) return ret def _get(self): ret = { 'clients': self.getClients(), 'traffic': self.getTraffic(), 'idletime': float(open('/proc/uptime').read().split(' ')[1]), 'loadavg': float(open('/proc/loadavg').read().split(' ')[0]), 'memory': self.getMemory(), 'processes': dict(zip(('running', 'total'), map(int, open('/proc/loadavg').read().split(' ')[3].split('/')))), 'uptime': float(open('/proc/uptime').read().split(' ')[0]), 'mesh_vpn' : { # HopGlass-Server: node.flags.uplink = parsePeerGroup(_.get(n, 'statistics.mesh_vpn')) 'groups': { 'backbone': { 'peers': self.getMeshVPNPeers() } } } } gateway = self.getGateway() if gateway != None: ret = lib.helper.merge(ret, gateway) return ret