#!/usr/bin/env python3 import socket import re import netifaces as netif from lib.respondd import Respondd import lib.helper class Nodeinfo(Respondd): def __init__(self, config): Respondd.__init__(self, config) @staticmethod def getInterfaceAddresses(interface): addresses = [] try: for ip6 in netif.ifaddresses(interface)[netif.AF_INET6]: addresses.append(ip6['addr'].split('%')[0]) for ip in netif.ifaddresses(interface)[netif.AF_INET]: addresses.append(ip['addr'].split('%')[0]) except: pass return addresses def getBatmanInterfaces(self, batmanInterface): ret = {} lines = lib.helper.call(['batctl', '-m', batmanInterface, 'if']) for line in lines: lineMatch = re.match(r'^([^:]*)', line) interface = lineMatch.group(0) interfaceType = '' if 'fastd' in self._config and interface == self._config['fastd']: # keep for compatibility interfaceType = 'tunnel' elif interface.find('l2tp') != -1: interfaceType = 'l2tp' elif 'mesh-vpn' in self._config and interface in self._config['mesh-vpn']: interfaceType = 'tunnel' elif 'mesh-wlan' in self._config and interface in self._config['mesh-wlan']: interfaceType = 'wireless' else: interfaceType = 'other' if interfaceType not in ret: ret[interfaceType] = [] ret[interfaceType].append(lib.helper.getInterfaceMAC(interface)) if 'l2tp' in ret: if 'tunnel' in ret: ret['tunnel'] += ret['l2tp'] else: ret['tunnel'] = ret['l2tp'] return ret @staticmethod def getCPUInfo(): ret = {} with open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') as fh: for line in fh: lineMatch = re.match(r'^(.+?)[\t ]+:[\t ]+(.*)$', line, re.I) if lineMatch: ret[lineMatch.group(1)] = lineMatch.group(2) return ret @staticmethod def getVPNFlag(batmanInterface): lines = lib.helper.call(['batctl', '-m', batmanInterface, 'gw_mode']) if re.match(r'^server', lines[0]): return True else: return False def _get(self): ret = { 'hostname': socket.gethostname(), 'network': { 'addresses': self.getInterfaceAddresses(self._config['bridge']), 'mesh': { 'bat0': { 'interfaces': self.getBatmanInterfaces(self._config['batman']) } }, 'mac': lib.helper.getInterfaceMAC(self._config['batman']) }, 'software': { 'firmware': { 'base': lib.helper.call(['lsb_release', '-is'])[0], 'release': lib.helper.call(['lsb_release', '-ds'])[0] }, 'batman-adv': { 'version': open('/sys/module/batman_adv/version').read().strip(), # 'compat': # /lib/gluon/mesh-batman-adv-core/compat }, 'status-page': { 'api': 0 }, 'autoupdater': { 'enabled': False } }, 'hardware': { 'model': self.getCPUInfo()['model name'], 'nproc': int(lib.helper.call(['nproc'])[0]) }, 'owner': {}, 'system': {}, 'location': {}, 'vpn': self.getVPNFlag(self._config['batman']) } if 'mesh-vpn' in self._config and len(self._config['mesh-vpn']) > 0: try: ret['software']['fastd'] = { 'version': lib.helper.call(['fastd', '-v'])[0].split(' ')[1], 'enabled': True } except: pass if 'nodeinfo' in self._aliasOverlay: return lib.helper.merge(ret, self._aliasOverlay['nodeinfo']) else: return ret