12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849 |
- include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
- PKG_NAME:=ffpb-node-tuning
- include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk
- define Package/ffpb-node-tuning
- SECTION:=ffpb
- TITLE:=Freifunk Paderborn Node Tuning-Settings
- DEPENDS:=+gluon-core +busybox
- MAINTAINER:=Freifunk Paderborn <maschinenraum@paderborn.freifunk.net>
- URL:=https://git.c3pb.de/freifunk-pb/ffpb-packages
- SOURCE:=git@git.c3pb.de:freifunk-pb/ffpb-packages.git
- endef
- define Package/ffpb-node-tuning/description
- As its name states, this packages applies some config optimizations (like
- tweaking kernal knobs via sysctl) on the nodes.
- For the most knobs Gluon sticks for OpenWRT defaults for good reasons, as
- some values need to be set according to the environment of the nodes (e.g.
- the network's size). As OpenWRT basically aims at providing a stable system
- for standalone WiFi access-points, the system's default configuration may
- not be appropriate anymore the larger the network grows, though.
- endef
- define Build/Prepare
- mkdir -p $(PKG_BUILD_DIR)
- endef
- define Build/Configure
- endef
- define Build/Compile
- endef
- define Package/ffpb-node-tuning/postinst
- endef
- define Package/ffpb-node-tuning/install
- $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/lib/gluon/upgrade/
- $(INSTALL_BIN) ./files//lib/gluon/upgrade/* $(1)/lib/gluon/upgrade/
- endef
- $(eval $(call BuildPackage,ffpb-node-tuning))