return function(form, uci) local default = require '' local tools = require 'gluon.site_generate' local sites = tools.get_config('/lib/gluon/site-select/sites.json') local site_i18n = i18n 'gluon-site' local pkg_i18n = i18n 'ffho-config-mode-site-select' local help = site_i18n._translate('gluon-config-mode:site-select') or pkg_i18n.translate( 'Here you have the possibility of selecting the region in which ' .. 'your node is placed. Please keep in mind that your router ' .. 'connects only with the mesh of the selected region.' ) local s = form:section(Section, nil, help) local o = s:option(ListValue, 'community', translate('Region')) o.optional = false if uci:get_bool('gluon-setup-mode', uci:get_first('gluon-setup-mode','setup_mode'), 'configured') then o:value(default.site_code(), default.site_name()) else o:value('') end for _, site in pairs(sites) do if (site.site_select or {}).hidden ~= 1 then o:value(site.site_code, site.site_name) end end function o:write(data) if data ~= uci:get('currentsite', 'current', 'name') then tools.set_site_code(data, false) end if data ~= default.site_code() then os.execute('sh "/lib/gluon/site-select/site-upgrade"') end end return {'currentsite'} end