#!/usr/bin/lua local fs = require('nixio.fs') local uci = require('luci.model.uci').cursor() local site = require 'gluon.site_config' local util = require 'luci.util' local ut = require('autoupdater-wifi-fallback.util') local gluon = require 'gluon.util' local configname = 'autoupdater-wifi-fallback' local force = false local min_uptime_secs = 3600 local branch_name = uci:get('autoupdater','settings','branch') local function parse_args() local i = 1 while arg[i] do if arg[i] == '-f' then force = true elseif arg[i] == '-b' then i=i+1 if not arg[i] then io.stderr:write("Error parsing command line: expected branch name\n") os.exit(1) end branch_name = arg[i] else io.stderr:write("Error parsing command line: unexpected argument '" .. arg[i] .. "'\n") os.exit(1) end i = i+1 end end local function preflight_check() if not uci:get_bool(configname,'settings','enabled') then return false end if not uci:get_bool('autoupdater','settings','enabled') then return false end if tonumber(fs.readfile('/proc/uptime'):match('^([^ ]+) ')) < min_uptime_secs then return false end return true end local function connectivity_check() local f = io.open('/sys/kernel/debug/batman_adv/bat0/gateways', 'r') if f then for line in f:lines() do local gateway_mac = line:match("^=?>? +([0-9a-f:]+)") if gateway_mac then if os.execute("batctl ping -t5 -c1 " .. gateway_mac .. " > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0 then return true end end end f:close() end -- connectivity check against updateserver for _, host in ipairs(get_update_hosts(branch_name)) do if os.execute("ping -w2 -c1 " .. host .. " > /dev/null 2>&1") == 0 then return true end end io.popen('logger -s -t autoupdater-wifi-fallback -p local0.info "connectivity check failed"') return false end local function run_autoupdater() io.popen('logger -s -t autoupdater-wifi-fallback -p local0.info "execute the autoupdater"') os.execute("/usr/sbin/autoupdater -f -b " .. branch_name) end local function switch_to_fallback_mode(radio, ssid, bssid) io.popen('logger -s -t autoupdater-wifi-fallback -p local0.info "connect to ' .. radio .. ' ' .. ssid .. ' ' .. bssid .. '"') uci:delete_all('wireless', 'wifi-iface') uci:section('wireless', 'wifi-iface', 'fallback', { device = radio, network = 'fallback', mode = 'sta', disabled = 0, macaddr = gluon.generate_mac(3, 10), bssid = bssid, ssid = ssid, ifname = 'fallback', encryption = 'none', } ) uci:set('wireless', radio, 'disabled', 0) uci:save('wireless') os.execute("wifi") os.execute("sleep 5") uci:revert('wireless') os.execute("sleep 20") end local function revert_to_standard_mode() io.popen('logger -s -t autoupdater-wifi-fallback -p local0.info "going back to standard mode"') os.execute("/etc/init.d/network restart") os.execute("sleep 30") end parse_args() if not uci:get('autoupdater', branch_name) then io.stderr:write("Can't find configuration for branch '" .. branch_name .. "'\n") os.exit(1) end if (force or preflight_check()) and not connectivity_check() then local offset = 2 * 3600 local unreachable_since = os.time() if not uci:get('autoupdater-wifi-fallback', 'settings', 'unreachable_since') then uci:set(configname, 'settings', 'unreachable_since', unreachable_since) else uci:set(configname, 'settings', 'last_run', unreachable_since) unreachable_since = uci:get(configname, 'settings', 'unreachable_since') end uci:save(configname) if force or tonumber(unreachable_since) + offset < os.time() then io.popen('logger -s -t autoupdater-wifi-fallback -p local0.info "going to fallback mode"') for radio, netlist in pairs(get_available_wifi_networks()) do for _, net in ipairs(netlist) do switch_to_fallback_mode(radio, net.ssid, net.bssid) if run_autoupdater() == 0 then break end end end -- this is only reached if no updated happened revert_to_standard_mode() end else uci:delete(configname, 'settings','unreachable_since') uci:delete(configname, 'settings','last_run') uci:save(configname) end