#!/bin/bash if [ "_$BRANCH" == "_" ]; then echo "Please specify BRANCH environment variable." >&2 exit 1 fi if [ "_$BASE" == "_" ]; then echo "Please specify BASE environment variable (Gluon, i.e. 'v2014.3' or commit-id)." >&2 exit 1 fi if [ "_$VERSION" == "_" -a "$BRANCH" != "experimental" ]; then echo "Please specify VERSION environment variable (not necessary for experimental branch)." >&2 exit 1 fi MY_DIR=$(dirname $0) MY_DIR=$(readlink -f "$MY_DIR") CODE_DIR="src" pushd $MY_DIR > /dev/null . functions.sh if [ ! -d "$CODE_DIR" ]; then info "Code directory does not exist yet - fetching Gluon ..." git clone https://github.com/freifunk-gluon/gluon.git "$CODE_DIR" fi if [ ! -d "$CODE_DIR/site" ]; then info "Site repository does not exist, fetching it ..." git clone https://git.c3pb.de/freifunk-pb/site-ffpb.git "$CODE_DIR/site" fi ### CHECKOUT GLUON progress "Checking out GLUON '$BASE' ..." cd $CODE_DIR # TODO: check if gluon got modified and bail out if necessary git fetch ; git checkout -q $BASE [ "$?" -eq "0" ] || abort "Failed to checkout '$BASE' gluon base version, mimimi." >&2 GLUON_COMMIT=$(git rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD) ### CHECKOUT SITE REPO progress "Pulling SITE REPO for '$BRANCH' ..." cd site # TODO: check if site got modified locally and bail out if necessary git checkout -q $BRANCH ; git pull [ "$?" -eq "0" ] || abort "Failed to checkout '$BRANCH' branch in site repository, mimimi." SITE_COMMIT=$(git rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD) cd .. ### CLEAN if [ "$BRANCH" != "experimental" ]; then progress "Cleaning your build environment ..." make clean fi ### PREPARE progress "Preparing the build environment (make update) ..." make update [ "$?" -eq "0" ] || abort "Failed to update the build environment, mimimi." ### BUILD TOOLCHAIN progress "Building toolchain if necessary (this is not possible on a fresh build) ..." make toolchain -j 1 ### BUILD FIRMWARE progress "Building the firmware - please stand by!" if [ "$BRANCH" != "experimental" ]; then GLUON_BRANCH=$BRANCH GLUON_RELEASE=$VERSION make else GLUON_BRANCH=experimental make -j 4 fi [ "$?" -eq "0" ] || abort "Failed to build the firmware, mimimi." cd .. # write build info progress "Writing build info ..." mkdir -p "output/${BRANCH}" echo -en "" > "output/${BRANCH}/build_info.txt" echo "VERSION=${VERSION}" >> "output/${BRANCH}/build_info.txt" echo "GLUON=${GLUON_COMMIT} # ${BASE}" >> "output/${BRANCH}/build_info.txt" echo "SITE=${SITE_COMMIT} # ${VERSION}" >> "output/${BRANCH}/build_info.txt" # compress all binaries into 7z archive progress "Assembling images.7z ..." [ -e "output/${BRANCH}/images.7z" ] && rm "output/${BRANCH}/images.7z" 7z a "output/${BRANCH}/images.7z" ${CODE_DIR}/images/sysupgrade/*.bin ${CODE_DIR}/images/factory/*.bin || abort "Failed to assemble images (did you install p7zip-full?)." # generate and copy manifest progress "Generating and copying manifest ..." make manifest || abort "Failed to generate the manifest, try running 'make manifest' in '$CODE_DIR' directory manually." cp "${CODE_DIR}/images/sysupgrade/${BRANCH}.manifest" "output/${BRANCH}/" success "We're done, go and checkout your new firmware in output/${BRANCH}!" popd > /dev/null