@@ -1,55 +1,32 @@
-function cmd()
- echo "$@" | nc -q1 23 > /dev/null
-[ -z "$hostname" ] && { echo "USAGE: $0 <hostname> <owner> [<latitude> <longitude>]"; exit 1; }
-[ -z "$owner" ] && { echo "ERROR: need at least hostname and owner as params"; exit 1; }
-if [ "$IDid" != "ReadTheScript" ]; then
- echo "WORK IN PROGRESS: Dieses Skript ist noch nicht fertig und tut nicht was es soll."
- echo "Die uci-set Kommandos werden scheinbar nicht ausgeführt!"
- exit 42
+if [ -z "$listfile" -o -z "$owner" -o -z "$peersdir" ]; then
+ echo "USAGE: $0 <listfile> <owner> <peers-dir>"
+ echo "<listfile> is a list containing lines of the format 'name' or 'name=lat lon'"
+ echo "<owner> is a free text which will be embedded into the peers git"
+ echo "<peersdir> is the path to the peers git's working copy"
+ exit 1
-mac=`echo "lua -e 'print(require(\"gluon.sysconfig\").primary_mac)'" | nc -q1 23 | grep -o '^[0-9a-fA-F\:]\{17\}'`
-cmd 'uci set fastd.mesh_vpn.enabled=1'
-cmd 'uci set fastd.mesh_vpn.secret=$(fastd --generate-key --machine-readable)'
-cmd 'uci commit fastd'
-public_key=$(echo '/etc/init.d/fastd show_key mesh_vpn' | nc -q1 23 | grep -o "[0-9a-f]\{64\}")
-cmd "uci set system.@system[0].hostname=${hostname}"
-cmd "uci commit system"
-[ "$latitude" == "0" ] && latitude=""
-[ "$longitude" == "0" ] && longitude=""
-if [ ! -z "$latitude" -a ! -z "$longitude" ]; then
- cmd "uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].share_location=1"
- cmd "uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].latitude=$latitude"
- cmd "uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].longitude=$longitude"
- loc_string="# Location: $latitude $longitude"
- cmd "uci set gluon-node-info.@location[0].share_location=0"
+if [ ! -r "$listfile" ]; then
+ echo "The listfile is not readable (does it exist?)."
+ exit 2
-cmd 'uci commit gluon-node-info'
-cmd 'uci set gluon-config-mode.@setup-mode[0].configured=1'
-cmd 'uci commit gluon-config-mode'
+if [ ! -d "$peersdir" ]; then
+ echo "The peers dir does not exist."
+ exit 2
-cmd 'uci commit'
-#cmd "poweroff"
+cat $listfile | while read line; do
+ [ -z "$line" ] && continue
-echo "# Owner: $owner"
-echo "# MAC: $mac"
-[ ! -z "$loc_string" ] && echo $loc_string
-echo "key \"${public_key/\r/}\";"
+ name=`echo $line | cut -d"=" -f 1`
+ latlon=`echo $line | cut -d"=" -f 2`
+ echo "$name { $latlon }"
+ ./configure-node.sh $name $owner $latlon > "${peersdir}/${name}"